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detailed EP ablation videos?
July 14, 2015 05:24AM
Does anyone know of any *detailed* EP afib ablation videos?

All I've been able to find are relatively short videos, targeted at patients.
I'm looking for much more technical videos.

In particular, I'm looking for teaching videos that may be targeted towards EP Fellows, and/or videos from EP conferences, wherein they discuss the tradeoffs of various ablation scenarios (eg, when to do coronary sinus ablation/debulking), and interpreting the output of the mapping systems.

Any suggestions?
Re: detailed EP ablation videos?
July 14, 2015 03:19PM
I posted one earlier this year from Intermountain center in Utah. It covers a typical paroxysmal case that was performed using a magnetic guidance system. If recollection serves, Weiss (the EP) talks about the procedure from both the manual perspective as well as magnetic assisted perspective. Patient was the father of a good doctor friend.

Re: detailed EP ablation videos?
July 15, 2015 04:42AM
Thanks researcher! Very interesting video.

I gave that one a thumb's up on youtube after watching it, and... an odd little warning message came up, saying:
"This video is unlisted. Be considerate and think twice before sharing"

I then noticed that it had zero thumbs up (or down), so I removed my thumbs up, because it seemed like (per the warning) that maybe that was a bad idea.
Re: detailed EP ablation videos?
July 20, 2015 03:58AM
Nice find researcher,

Dr. Pete Weiss is a very smart EP and really one of the bright lights in the up and coming world of EPs in their mid-40s. He does both AFIB ablations and has a particular emphasis on PVC and VT ablations and is an expert on Stereotaxis magnetic navigation which is particularly valuable in VT ablations. He is also an avid researcher and probably the leading technical researcher in the well known Intermountain Medical Center Arrhythmia group in Salt Lake City Utah.

Dr Weiss is also a good friend and I have had the real pleasure to get to know both he and his lovely wife Karen quite well over the last couple of years. They are doing a lot of interesting research work at Intermountain on the whole dementia and AFIB connection issue as well as on silent cerebral ischemia and a host of other AFIB and VT related topics as well using their very large health data base in the Intermountain medical system across Utah and serving adjoining western mountain states.

Re: detailed EP ablation videos?
July 20, 2015 01:41PM
Shannon, They really have an outstanding group there and gaining a lot of knowledge by tracking their SLC area arrhythmia patients over the long haul. Analogous to the Framingham tracking.on heart disease. If they started out thinking about that when they came out of Stanford, that is pretty awesome. They are excellent ablationists first and foremost.

RE: stereotaxis shines in VT/VF/PVCs. stuff that is inherently difficult to do safely by hand.

I recently exchanged email with EP asking him how he is using his new system and his reply - "At the time that we started Stereotaxis my manual expertise was of around 3000 ablations (of whom at least 750 3D). The company recommends to start with simple procedures (PSVT, focal AT), but we started complex from the beginning: multiple flutters in an operated ASD with concomitant APVD, PVIs, PVC/VTs (including a moderator band incessant RMVT, epicardial...). The new version of the system is very intuitive and for us the transition was really effortless. The same was true for my younger (and less experienced) colleagues. Currently we work without any assistance. Next week we have planned a LV papillary muscle RMVT. "

Stuff that is impossible to do with conventional catheters AND then there is that LV papillary muscle ablation - wow, that's crazy (and I mean that in a good way) since that is such delicate structure.
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