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Using Apple Cider Vinegar with Xarelto?
June 30, 2015 10:19PM
I mostly look here to get great afib information, but today need some help. I was doing some research on using ACV for general health and came across this statement and would like some opinions about this as I am on Xarelto, Metoprolol and afib Vitamins and wondering if I should try it. I tried it 40 or 50 years ago and don’t remember the results as I was very busy raising 5 kids and traveling 3 states working construction.

It has been found however, that cider vinegar helps with the cleansing as well as the clotting of the blood. Oxidation of the blood is very important and cider vinegar is again an effective treatment for this. Besides introducing the important minerals into the blood stream, as mentioned above, cider vinegar also helps in the clotting of blood. This is of tremendous help to those people who are commonly termed 'bleeders', as they live their lives in fear of cutting themselves due to the bloods inability to clot, and it will also enhance the healing process.

79 year old male, diagnose with afib 6/2011, Cryo ablation 11/2013, afib event 5/2014, LINQ 5/2014, 11/2014 LINQ showed 8 second delays and 3 days later had a Pacemaker, 2/2015 on CPAP. So far the pacemaker shows no events and it is helping my upper chamber over 50 percent of the time. I feel great, just when I over exert myself I get a little short on breath for a short time and I can live with that!

Ed S
Re: Using Apple Cider Vinegar with Xarelto?
July 12, 2015 03:14PM
Ed - sorry you didn't receive responses to your question.

I'm a big fan of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar...and I use it regularly on salads or just plain to help as an alkalizing agent. I also take Eliquis and was not aware of any cautions regarding the combination. As Lab Rat #1 in this case, I've used both for a year with no obvious or known problems even though I have low platelets and bleed a bit more easily and longer than the average person. I don't notice any complications even with the Eliquis.

Alkaline tissue pH is a very useful and therapeutic status.... you can read my report on this topic at [www.afibbers.org]

Glad you are doing well and enjoying NSR!

Re: Using Apple Cider Vinegar with Xarelto?
July 13, 2015 10:09PM
Jackie Thanks for the reply and the information and your use with Apple Cider Vinegar with Eliquis, I may give it a try as I also have stomach problems like in the article, I ordered some quality Probiotics to see if that helps. Around 2002/2003 I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and put on synthroid and had a hard time getting my doctor to adjust meds to TSH levels below 2.0 as he still goes by the old TSH standards. About 3 years ago I tried the PH test strips and I was normal so I didn’t pursue it any further. I think I will reread the article and get some test strips and test my PH.
Ed S
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