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Depression as it relates to an ablation.
May 19, 2015 01:56AM
I've often heard that depression can follow a surgery. I've experienced the same feelings with a death in the family last summer, my 1st ablation this past January and my 2nd ablation just two weeks ago. I would appreciate any reference materials related to this subject. Thank you.

Re: Depression as it relates to an ablation.
May 19, 2015 02:47PM
An unfortunate response to surgery. For me, a successful (8.5 years ago) ablation and another unrelated surgery resulted in relief and elation, knowing that my problems had been resolved. I guess a failed surgery could lead to depression, but a successful one????????????
Re: Depression as it relates to an ablation.
May 19, 2015 05:11PM
Chuck - you might consider that your sense of post-ablation depression is caused by the many chemicals to which we are exposed during the ablation procedure. I suggest this because I'm highly sensitive to chemicals (diagnosed with multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) as a result of an unfortunate chemical exposure years ago). What I notice after 3 ablations is not depression, but an overall lethargy that could easily be interpreted, in a sense, as depression. In my case, I know it is not.

My remedy is always to do a detoxing protocol to help the liver clear toxins. There are various detox methods ranging from fairly quick and easy to several weeks of strict protocols. One that is simplistic, economical and readily available is to do daily or twice a day Epsom Salts soaks/baths. Not only does it detox, but also helps replete the magnesium stores that become depleted as a result of both the stress of surgery and the chemicals for anesthesia and the other ablation protocols.

Another suggestion is to supplement with the amino acid, L-tyrosine... as that is a precursor to the neurotransmitter, dopamine, the brain chemical associated with feelings of happiness and pleasure; and when low, can result in feelings of depression. Typically, you don't need much or take for a long period of time but it's a useful adjunct to a detoxing program. Be advised that before using, one needs to understand the contraindications and dosage precautions.

Signs of tyrosine deficiency include apathy, blood sugar imbalances, depression, edema, fat loss, fatigue, liver damage, mood disorders, muscle loss and slowed growth in children. (Source: Healing Nutrients Within - Eric R. Braverman, MD)

If you are interested in either the detoxing protocols or info to learn more on tyrosine use, send me a PM and I'll forward info to you.

Best to you,
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