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One Year and all is well
May 15, 2015 10:03AM
Thank you all for your support early on. Today marks one year from my ablation with Dr. Natale or as my husband likes to call him Dr. Rockstar. And while i considered not posting....because i hate to jinx a good thing i decided to tell you all is well.
i am grateful to the many who posted before me and got me thru the first few weeks when i had a small ulcer and pain while swallowing but by 3 months i was living
a pretty good life and by 5 months all pressure in chest and tiredness were gone.
What am i taking now each day
200 magnesium x2
500 postassium x2
6.25 metroporol x2
500 vitamin c x2
taurine x1
trace minerals x1
D3 x2
B complex x1
At the suggestion of many here i have not gone back to my crazy spin gym and running life but now i walk and just went back to 30 minutes 3x per week on the elliptical.
I am grateful again to many of you who held my hand thru the process. I wish you all well. I have another friend on this website that had her ablation just after me. I wish her a
happy anniversary as well.
God Bless you all
Re: One Year and all is well
May 15, 2015 12:38PM
Wonderful news Susan!,

So glad it all turned out as expected and in such fine form! And thank you and Scott too for the help in referring Magdalena and I to your friend who had gone through a renal cell carcinoma nephrectomy. His tips too along with our other stalwart RCC poster JayB here really helped us both prepare her for her big operation and recovery. She is doing dramatically better too now, still not 100% with some tenderness too and such but Magdalena is doing most everything now that she did prior to the big scare.

Take care Susan and don't be a stranger! I just landed in Amsterdam today after a non-stop KLM from San Fran and am sitting in my little Dutch canal house flat pretty spacy and dingy at the moment from the 9 hr rapid time change from San Fran to Holland. Should be more or less 'here' after a good sleep tonight.

Re: One Year and all is well
May 15, 2015 05:09PM
Congrats Susan! Glad you are doing so well.

Re: One Year and all is well
May 16, 2015 01:17PM
Good to see your very positive report, Susan. Thanks for letting us know.

Best to you,
Re: One Year and all is well
May 17, 2015 05:18PM
Congratulations Susan! Continued NSR to you!!

Re: One Year and all is well
May 17, 2015 09:14PM
Excellent news like yours is always wonderful to read, Susan. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes,


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/19/2015 12:54AM by rob50.
Re: One Year and all is well
May 18, 2015 02:48AM
Hi Susan!

I'm so glad to hear you are doing so well! Yes, it's been ONE YEAR since being "reborn". I had my ablation immediately after yours and I too am doing better than I would have ever dreamed... maybe a normal day for Dr. Natale and staff, but a great day for us!

There isn't a day that goes by that I am not grateful for all those who posted on this website and for Shannon and his encouragement, But my heart will always belong to Dr. Natale. I've never been so grateful to another person nor have I felt so confident in any doctors ability and judgement.

I had a few days prior to Texas when I wasn't sure I could even make it down there. You were wise to nip it in the bud at the start and I admire you for that ... I was the dawdler and it was NOT wise to dawdle.

Unlike you , I felt better within 5 days of the ablation and each day was better. The were a few questionable days when I wondered if I went back into afib, but with the Linq in my chest, I could always call our nurse, Curry, in Texas and find out what was happening. I never did go back. My doctors here still are in disbelief about how well I'm doing.

My current regiment:

I take Eliquis, Ditiazem ( 180 TR) and Magnesium (200 mg) and Armour thryoid ( 90mg) .

I walk 5- 8 miles a day ( based on a Fitbit, which helps motivate me ) and always stay busy but no aerobic excercise.

I try to eat a healthy and balanced diet with limited carbos. I still believe that diet, magnesium intake, or lack of it, and especially stress played a huge role in all this. I still check out some of the research but not as often as I once did .

My primary drink for the past year has been of Gerolsteiner, a carbonated mineral water, that after some research, found had the highest level of magnesium that and was readily available. I add fruit juice to that for better flavor. And I now have an occasional glass of wine, but never much (except in Italy where you HAD to test it all).

On my "over active " days, an Epsom salt bath helps with added magnesium absorption, not to mention peaceful bliss!

As of the 3 month TEE, the LAA wasn't emptying as well as it could so that's why I'll be on Eliquis. If I opt for the Lariat, or similar procedure to close the appendage off, I could get off the blood thinner, but for now I'm enjoying everyday.

I've been traveling (once again) and the jet lag got me or I would have posted sooner, but it wasn't because I didn't remember May 15th!

So good to hear from you.

Cheers and my best to your good health for a very long time!
Re: One Year and all is well
May 18, 2015 03:37AM
God Bless You Susan!
I told you he was second to none...a true Maestro!

Re: One Year and all is well
May 20, 2015 08:29AM
Great to hear from you too Annie!,,

Im over in Europe .. Brussels at the moment.. heading back to Amsterdam in two days and then home on Tuesday so have been a little out of pocket lately. Your case was certainly one of the most challenging Ive sense far .. my own difficult one included ... and to see you doing so well when everyone else (except Dr Natale) was insisting you absolutely had to have an AV node ablation as a last resort, feels great!

Many here probably weren't around last year or may not remember, by Annie was on oxygen and required a wheelchair from her poor near heart failure condition from her arrhythmia when she was wheeled off the plane in Austin, only to almost skip through the security lines a week later after her ablation with Dr N in which he certainly did not have to ablate her AV node, and she was overjoyed at such a miracle turn around .. as equally were her local EPs who insisted her only luck for living much longer included and AV-node ablation, were flummoxed when they saw her during her first return visit! Quite a success story and its is these kind of stories we hear to one degree or another here so often that gives us all the confidence in the world in what we recommend.

You are right too Dr. N is one special kind of guy and only continues to impress me even more, with his skill and overall presence as a person and a physician having pulled so many rabbits out of the hat at this point that I have had the good fortune to witness, that it simply makes recommending him so wholeheartedly such a total no-brainer.

So happy to hear from you and give me a call when I get back next week. Would love to catch up.

Keep on enjoying the new life!

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