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Can too much sulfer cause afib?
April 21, 2015 11:22PM
A friend was recently told by her Dr. that if someone has afib with no underlaying cause that it is usually because they have too much sulfer on board. I'm guessing this may be linked to sulfation issues in the methylation cycle. Has anyone ever heard of this before? Does it sound feasible?
Anonymous User
Re: Can too much sulfer cause afib?
April 22, 2015 11:34AM
Have we mentioned that most GP's and even some cardiologists are clueless about afib?

Re: Can too much sulfer cause afib?
April 22, 2015 01:07PM

I agree. I believe it was her functional med doc. At this point I feel compelled to leave no stone unturned in looking for an answer. From some of my readings on the detoxification cycle and the role that sulfation plays in that cycle it seems like a possibility. Since there are some on this forum who seem far more bio chem literate than me I was hoping they might weigh in on this thought.
Re: Can too much sulfer cause afib?
April 22, 2015 06:36PM

Have you been genetically tested for your methylation genes? That would be a place to start. The least expensive way I know is to start with <[www.23andme.com] then run the raw data through Promethease <[promethease.com] to see what it says. There are other sites that will look at the 23andMe data specifically just for methylation genetics.

While I've got the data, I've not pursued understanding methylation in detail yet.

Anonymous User
Re: Can too much sulfer cause afib?
April 22, 2015 09:15PM
Speaking of methylation, does anybody know what ever became of Richard?

Re: Can too much sulfer cause afib?
April 23, 2015 12:34PM

I have done the 23andme, ran it thru a different decoder than the one you recommended and it looked like it didn't test the sulfation gene, which if memory serves me right is SUFX. So I'm not sure if 23andme doesn't test for it or if it has to do with the decoding program I used. Were you able to see that gene in your results?
Re: Can too much sulfer cause afib?
April 24, 2015 05:50PM

I ran my results through several interpreters beyond Promethease. One, Genetic Gene lists about 25 methylation related SNPs another, Gene Variance lists 98. I've not pursued the interpretation beyond noting that I don't have the "bad" MTHFR variants. SUFX is not one of the listed. I'm not familiar with it.

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