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Creatine and atrial fibrillation
April 10, 2015 01:32AM

I train at a gym regularly each week and supplement occasionally with creatine though not heavily continuously. I just bought a new big jar and somehow something came up about creatine supplementation involvement with atrial fibrillation.

I looked it up in more detail and there is lots of material connecting the two.

I suggest anyone taking creatine look at the information and any comments would be informative.


Re: Creatine and atrial fibrillation
April 10, 2015 04:40AM
I stopped creatine because of stomach upset. Wonder if Creatine could increase Vagal Triggering from the stomach area.
Re: Creatine and atrial fibrillation
April 10, 2015 04:09PM
Alex - it's known that unpleasant side effects of high dose creatine supplementation include nausea, diarrhea, cramps and bloating from the waste metabolite that forms (creatinine)... and speaks directly to your question on the General Forum about alkalinity. Do a Google search on side effects of creatine. Stomach and gut irritation could certainly be a trigger for Afib. Do you feel any water accumulation?

Re: Creatine and atrial fibrillation
April 11, 2015 11:20PM

I haven't noticed side effects In the past I have never been a big user and recently even less so.

I will discontinue rather than look at my just purchased large jar suspiciously.

I'll give it to a young body building friend.

Re: Creatine and atrial fibrillation
April 12, 2015 11:52PM
Creatine can effect alot of different things, I noticed a difference in erections with it. I think you are wise to discontinue anything suspicious. The proper functioning of the Heart is the biggest performance booster in the Gym.
Re: Creatine and atrial fibrillation
April 18, 2015 02:24PM
I used to pump heavy iron and used many forms of creatine for about 12 years. Man the stuff really worked and I could pound some serious weight but then afib reared its ugly head and stopped a few years back when I read the connection.
Natale also warned me to stop the heavy workouts as he also sees many damaged hearts from heavy weightlifters with valve issues, fibrosis, afib etc....

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