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Need Help
March 16, 2015 03:25PM
Well I guess my luck ran out 1 yr almost a month since my ablation. Im in some weird ryth! Can anyone tell me how to post my ryth strip? I have a pic but see no attachment adder. I cant get hold of my EP. I think its Afib, but my pulse is very regular and slow?????? I used to always be fast, my pulse is only like 55. the EMS guy said this didnt look that abnormal but I can feel something weird and a lit short on breath.
Any help and suggestions appreciated.
Re: Need Help
March 16, 2015 05:43PM
Sounds familiar. In Dec, a year and a half after my second ablation I was up late and felt funny. I checked my pulse and it was about 60 after months of being in the 80's. While I was thinking about how funny it felt and trying to figure it out it jumped to 200+. I was in SVT (supra ventricular tachycardia) and had to go to the ER. Diltiazem got me back into a more normal HR. I had a third ablation in Feb to isolate the LAA and am doing great. I'd guess you're not in a normal rhythm and your EP needs to look at your trace. Funny how many different ways you can be out of rhythm. Good luck, please share whatever you find out.
Re: Need Help
March 16, 2015 09:29PM

Do you have a Dropbox or Google Account. If so, you can put the photo in the respective folder and share the link here. If you have one of these accounts and don't know how to create a link, let me know & I'll give detailed instructions.

Re: Need Help
March 17, 2015 01:07PM
Thanks Mike
Thank You George

Weird had to strips ran, one at 10:30 one at 1:30 both they say are NSR.
But I feel my heart is not beating correct. Been thru this enough to know......but maybe Im going crazy. Around 2:30 went back to feeling normal again ???

I have been taking about 700 to 800 mg of Mag a day and when it started just had a banana with 12 oz low sod V8
Could I be OD'ing on mag or pot??

This stuff is always such a mind game
Re: Need Help
March 17, 2015 06:27PM
"Could I be OD'ing on mag or pot?? "

Without testing, hard to say. You can also try doing something different and see if things get better or worse (this is what I usually do).
Re: Need Help
March 17, 2015 07:59PM
Hi Tim - anything different that you've done, like reverting back to old habits that were former triggers?
Have you ever had thyroid issues? After my last ablation, I had some "jiggling" in my throat area which I thought was heart related and it was because my thyroid was becoming a bit overactive. It resolved when I stopped the thyroid hormone.

I wish you well,
Re: Need Help
March 17, 2015 08:38PM
Thanks JAckie.

I am going tommorrow to have blood work tomorrow so I will have that checked. I did take a half a xanax the night before because I couldnt sleep. That makes me foggy in the am plus the fact that I couldnt sleep.
During all that my pulse rate was low.
today I listened to my pulse rate with my Oregon chest strap (which I love). I walked stairs at work. Did my lunchtime weight lifting. My pulse was at lowest 62 highest 87. I guess the Flec keeps it low. so I nev got in the 50s. Didnt take my mag last night. Who knows?? During that experience pulse rate was 55 to 62
It was a very weird experience.
Thanks for all the suggestions.
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