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TEE results....questionable outcome still...
February 27, 2015 09:36PM
I had my TEE at Montifiore hospital on Tuesday, after my LAA isolation last June. Dr. DiBiase called me yesterday to let me know that my velocity number was good (above 40)..not sure what the actual number is...and that the A-wave was pretty good, but not sure if it was just where they'd like it. He apparently had several other TEE experts read my report as I seem to be one of those borderline cases...and is leaving it to Dr. Natale to decide. I was hoping to hear back from him but still haven't heard. I believe he's going to suggest that I stay on Eliquis for another 6 months or more, and then re-do the TEE (although THIS time I'd better be sedated!)... so I think there is still a possibility of getting off of it....a bit of a question mark.

I was happy to learn that my velocity went up from last year's TEE (it was just 40 then), and am anxious to hear what Dr. Natale has to say. Hopefully he won't keep me in suspense too much longer...

So there's hope there, Jackiesmiling smiley

More to follow ~ Barb
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