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Magnesium Issues, Don't like Doctors Best
January 03, 2015 11:32PM
Recently I discontinued the Bluebonnet mag that I had been taking for years, about 800 mg. throughout the day, mainly because of the info here about them going cheap and changing from Glycinate to Oxide, I believe that was the change. Well I bought a couple bottles of Doctors Best Glycinate/Lysinate and started to take it...same dosage 800mg a day.....wasn't the same, bowel intolerance changed...it took more mag to do the same thing...increased skipped beats...and when I had some bloodwork done I asked to test my mag level, I know serum tests are not accurite, but mine showed low normal , 1.8 (scale is 1.8 -2.4). I was taking 1000 to 1200 mg a day and still was only at low normal levels...with those issues as well. So I switched to Solaray Mag Glycinite, taking 600 mg a day and things are back to normal. I know everyone is different but the Doctors Mag just wasn't for me...I know Peggy who posts here likes it and has been taking it for quite some time. My wife who has no afib issues took the Dr. Best and immediately noticed the bowel intolerance change as well.
The Solaray label is a bit deceiving as it says 400 mg, 120 capsules, however that is a serving size....so you have to take 4 caps to get that...each is really 100 mg. So I take 6 a day so a bottle will last around 3 weeks at $17 a bottle. I will probably up the dose another 100 a day if I can.
Re: Magnesium Issues, Don't like Doctors Best
January 04, 2015 02:12PM
Glad to see I'm not the only one who is having a rough time with Doctor's Best. Two afib episodes have happened since I switched over, so I started taking more of the pills. But I've also tracked down a magnesium powder (Swanson Ultra) that has the creatine chelate/albion process. Am trying that as well and may switch over, depending on what Jackie comes up with in her search for a new magnesium.
Re: Magnesium Issues, Don't like Doctors Best
January 04, 2015 03:32PM
Nancy - I hope to be posting later today some of my findings on this topic.

Re: Magnesium Issues, Don't like Doctors Best
January 04, 2015 08:22PM
Nancy and all - sorry... this report won't be posted until tomorrow. Just not enough time today.
Expect to do the final editing and post tomorrow morning...so stand by.

Re: Magnesium Issues, Don't like Doctors Best
January 05, 2015 03:58AM
For what it is worth, I've generally used a mix of a variety of mag sources. In the body of this post <[www.afibbers.org] , I list them out.

I've always been in the "whatever works for me camp.:



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2015 03:58AM by GeorgeN.
Re: Magnesium Issues, Don't like Doctors Best
January 05, 2015 04:07PM
Tom - This is good news that it works for you. This form is not chelated and is just magnesium added to glycine and there is nothing wrong with that as long as you take enough to compensate for what might be lost due to dissociation.
Glycine, itself, is a nice amino acid to be adding to the body in that it has a calming effect and is also known to help keep prostate healthy.

What also needs to be determined with this or any other magnesium is the amount of elemental magnesium... that is... how much of the capsule is magnesium and how much is glycine so that you can take enough to optimize magnesium stores inside your cells for heart function, muscle and other needs of the body. Since we no longer have AF to remind us of low stores, we still need to be diligent in optimizing the intake.

As you'll see in the new Magnesium post ... the addition of magnesium oxide.. .often as much as 50% of the capsule is the bowel tolerance culprit.

Happy New Year and be well,
Re: Magnesium Issues, Don't like Doctors Best
January 26, 2015 08:39PM
Always appreciate your detailed insights. Tom C, hope things settle down for you,

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