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Coming off Xarelto
December 12, 2014 01:06AM
I just received the results of my 6 months post ablation report from Dr Natale's nurse. No flutter or afib. Xarelto is no longer indicated so I will be coming off. I've asked for clarrification from Dr Natale regarding a tranistion period. I've read it can be dangerous to stop Xarelto cold turkey. Any suggestions or information?

Thank you!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/12/2014 01:07AM by Craigh.
Re: Coming off Xarelto
December 12, 2014 03:51AM

You might be interested in this thread: <[www.afibbers.org]

Re: Coming off Xarelto
December 12, 2014 01:48PM
I stopped it cold turkey with ZERO issues. He has me taking a regular aspirin daily but I have a stent so I have CAD.
Dr. Natale was also my EP.
Re: Coming off Xarelto
December 12, 2014 08:39PM
Craig - That's excellent news. I'm hoping to have the same good fortune when my six months is up. From the posts I've seen here about the discontinuance, apparently you just go off it. I would be mindful, though, of your Predictive Biomarkers that have been mentioned frequently in many posts discussing the need to keep your blood thin and slippery as opposed to thick and sticky.. and the number one preventive is avoiding silent inflammatory conditions that promote sticky blood. Also as a reminder, subscribe also to the healthy practice of keeping your tissue alkaline.

Enjoy your new life in NSR. Here's to your good health!

Best to you,
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