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AliveCor-1485 ECGS
November 18, 2014 04:33AM
Since October 2013 all saved to the Cloud-All just analyzed with their new algorithm to detect AFIB.
Pleased to say 0 -ZERO- NADA AFIB!

My Heartfelt Thanks to the Maestro and Shannon

Natale Ablation May 28, 2013

Re: AliveCor-1485 ECGS
November 18, 2014 01:04PM

Great news!

I almost never go online to their site - are you using "Insights" month by month on the AliveCor site for the analysis?

Re: AliveCor-1485 ECGS
November 18, 2014 04:19PM
Yes I'm using insights, went back month by month for all recordings. They started sending me a weekly AliveCor report last month and when I logged in and I realized it was all saved up to their cloud. There were plenty of recordings when my heart wasn't calm between the S-T intervals but the RR intervals were always evenly spaced so i knew it wasn't afib as my pulse was also steady. They created a Algorithm from everyones recordings to detect afib.......Pretty amazing stuff .

Re: AliveCor-1485 ECGS
November 22, 2014 03:51AM
I also use the AliveCor- no afibber (or former afibber) should be without one-

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/22/2014 03:53AM by Tom_P.
Re: AliveCor-1485 ECGS
November 24, 2014 03:35AM
You still worried about recurrent AF, Kevin? Did you sense anything? Or do this as a security measure....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/24/2014 03:38AM by afhound99.
Re: AliveCor-1485 ECGS
November 25, 2014 11:05AM
Hey AF,
I'm always vigilant I guess, do suffer from ectopics or pac's/pvcs but those seem to have basically disappeared in frequency.
My heart hasn't always been quiet but its good to know that during those times it was not the BEAST.
Just my security blanket, remember I had a TIA so just being very cautious since I choose to drop the Xarelto 5 months ago.

Re: AliveCor-1485 ECGS
November 30, 2014 05:23AM
Hi McHale,

It's a good use of the AliveCor which comes in handy for cases just like yours and a number of other scenarios both before and after a successful ablstion process. Afterward once you know pretty much things are golden, it is mostly for security sake,but it makes sense too periodically and as long one doesn't get too wrapped up or fanatical checking several times a day of some such thing long after a good ablation has settled in.

While it's unlikely after a year of solid NSR, occasionally a new previously unaddressed area or focal spot can switch on, and even some folks who were clearly symptomatic prior to their ablation can, on occasion, become much less symptomatic after an ablation, rarely to the point of being mostly or partly asymptomatic. As such, doing a weekly check or so, or whenever there might be some feelings of a jumpy heart with likely ectopy runs, it's easy to take a quick look with the AliveCor and rest at ease.

And you are right too, those of us who have had the very dubious distinction of having had a TIA or stroke, have a built-in reminder not to take our good fortune of sustained NSR too much for granted.

Cheers! Shannon
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