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8 Year Anniversary
November 17, 2014 03:41PM
I have my eight year ablation anniversary in November. Here is my story, plus it’s worth noting that I didn’t find this website until after my ablation.

69 years old; excellent physical condition; 6', 168 lbs; 11 years of LAF; was on meds for the last 6 years after diagnosis; averaged 33 episodes per year for those 6 years (documented when and how long they lasted). The episodes ranged from a few minutes to 72 hrs (average time per episode was about 10 hrs). Converted only once at the hospital, but after that visit, my Dr. said that since I was so healthy, staying in afib would not be an issue, plus I always converted back on my own. The only trigger I identified was more than one alcoholic drink.

For the majority of my afib, I was on Plavix 75 mg; Toprol XL 25 mg; Norpace CR 200 mg twice a day. With this combination of meds, I lead a normal life 99% of the time. It was typical to not notice I was in afib, unless running up a flight of stairs or trying to sleep on my left side. I was on Plavix because of the bleeding risk of Warfarin and my VERY active lifestyle.

Ablated in November '06 (over 60 "burns" in the left atrium). I had been postponing extensive hiking trips and vacations because of the afib and finally decided it was time. The summer after the ablation, my wife and I spent 7 days hiking in the Dolomites in northern Italy.

Stopped all meds at ablation and was put on Warfarin for 4 weeks post ablation, but no other meds.

Returned to normal activity and work two days after ablation.

Returned to normal exercise 4 weeks post ablation. Felt like I could have started working out the day after the ablation, but decided it was wise to follow the Dr's advice.

While exercising, I reached my anaerobic threshold much quicker than pre-ablation (reduced atrial function from ablation trauma). This steadily improved during the first year, then leveled off to what I would consider normal. I workout on average 4 days a week (workouts include weights, jogging, windsurfing (80+ days a year) and walking golf (40+ days a year). In July of 2012, my wife and I did the “Tour du Mont Blanc”, a 100 mile, 10 day hike around the circumstance of Europe’s highest mountain. I pay close attention to staying hydrated while exercising and drink 20oz of Gatorade - G2, no sugar (plus a lot of water) when working hard and sweating profusely.

Resting heart rate was in the 50's pre-ablation while on meds.

Resting heart rate for three months post ablation - 70's.

Resting heart rate for 4 years post ablation – 60's.

Resting heart rate now - upper 50’s/lower 60’s.

Only two episodes of A-fib? since ablation in August of 2010 and August 2012. Lasted 2 hours one morning and 4 hours one night. Felt like A-fib, but heart rate was only in the 80's! Not totally sure what it was since my heart rate was 180 while in afib prior to going on meds.

Occasional (about weekly) PVCs for 2 to 4 seconds. Usually the precursor to an A-fib episode pre-ablation, but now just subsides. By the time I get to my pulse, it's gone. Have been taking 1000 mg of Taurine daily, plus I added Magnesium and Potassium a few years ago in low doses. The frequency of my PVCs have decreased to maybe 2-3 times per month. I try to eat a diet high in Magnesium and Potassium, but nothing special beyond that. I have a cup (16 oz) of caffeinated coffee, a few ounces of mixed nuts, glass of red wine and a small amount of dark chocolate daily. I drink beer socially, maybe 3 times a month and usually have two beers. In addition to the A-Fib supplements, I only take a multi-vitamin, 89mg of aspirin and an extra 1000 mg of vitamin D. No prescription meds.

Overall, my ablation experience couldn't have been better. I believe a high level of fitness greatly reduces the impact of afib on one’s lifestyle.

Ablation done by Dr. Kevin R. Wheelan - Baylor Med. Center, Heart Place, Dallas, TX

Good luck to all in the same boat.

Re: 8 Year Anniversary
November 17, 2014 04:42PM
That's really inspiring Ken! I am also 69 and have been AFIB free since my ablation in 2012. Looks like I will have to get off my butt and start backpacking again. Congratulations on your healthy lifestyle.

Re: 8 Year Anniversary
November 18, 2014 09:23PM
Great news Ken, glad to hear everything is humming right along!

Re: 8 Year Anniversary
November 19, 2014 08:51PM
Great news, Ken. Long may you live in NSR.

Best to you,
Re: 8 Year Anniversary
November 20, 2014 03:41AM
Great to hear more ablation success stories long term!


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