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Faulty Thyroid Hikes Afib Risk
November 16, 2014 05:48PM

Nothing very surprising here. Except that I would have thought that, this being so, the active members of the Afibbers group would be more skewed in the direction of women, instead there seem to be more men in the group.
Anonymous User
Re: Faulty Thyroid Hikes Afib Risk
November 17, 2014 02:07PM
Maybe this observed excess of males here is due to more exploration of the internet by males, more tendency to second guess the doctors, less likely to automatically think doctor knows best? Being a female myself, this is just guesswork.

Re: Faulty Thyroid Hikes Afib Risk
November 17, 2014 06:35PM
The article said hypothyroidism LOWERS the risk of afib, hyperthyroidism increases it. eh, I am hypothyroidic and I got afib.

PeggyM, yes I second-guess doctors and use the internet for info (among other sources). It once saved my life.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/17/2014 06:36PM by Tom B.
Re: Faulty Thyroid Hikes Afib Risk
November 18, 2014 09:23PM
that is patently wrong to state hypothyroid lowers the risk of AFIB.. Maybe if they do a cross section of people who they deal hyper versus Hypo more of the Hyper will have experienced active AFIB, but Hypothyroid very much so is associated with and can contribute to AFIB.

We have discussed the mechanisms here many times for the hypothyroid/andrenal axis contribution to arrhythmia and have shared on The AFIB Report a number of studies demonstrating the clear association of hypothyroidism and AFIB as well.

To be sure, true hyperthyroid is the more recognized and consistent trigger for AFIB, but its utterly a mistake to imply that Hypothyrodism is somehow protective against AFIB.

Certainly it is not protective relative to true Euthyroidism. A healthy functioning thyroid gland is essential as a pillar of good health. With thyroid dysfunction, whether under or over active, a myriad of organ systems and over all health suffer including many aspects of cardiovascular health.

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