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Novel interventional may reverse Alzheimer memory loss

Here is an interesting article that has a strong correlation in our findings and that of recent studies on AFIB and heart disease in general by not just modifying, but optimizing select nutrient and hormonal deficiencies and adopting stress reduction methods ... sound familiar?

Here is the paper <[www.impactaging.com]
Interesting paper. Thanks gentlemen. There are still a few of the herbs and supplements I have not incorporated, but for the most part this is the path I have followed, and what a difference it has made.
This remedy was discovered for alzheimer's, but is also improving those with PD and MS. Coconut oil, unrefined, raw, 4 heaping tsp/day. See Dr. Mary Newport's video on Youtube. 55 min video.
See their website [www.coconutketones.com]
alzheimer's Diabetes of the brain

coconut ketone for alzeimers search
[fficial&client=firefox-a&channel=sb" rel="nofollow">www.google.com]
Life Extension Magazine offers numerous reports on natural preventive measures for dementia and Alzheimer's...




Concerning this topic, I've read David Perlmutter's book "Grain Brain". He also makes a very compelling case that many disorders of the brain are because of chronic inflammation due to high carb diets. Lots of mainstream research cited.

Grain Brain on Amazon

Gary - yes thanks for that recommendation. Dr. Perlmutter is well known and respoected in Functional Medicine circles.

Some time ago, Tom C recommended Cardiologist, William Davis' book "Wheat Belly"... which is about similar detrimental effects not only from wheat that is now hugely different from what wheat used to be generations ago... but also that a high carb diet causes many health issues (including the obesity epidemic) that go unrecognized as connected to the concept of "healthy whole grain consumption."

The gluten/gliaden sensitivity issue is another facet in certain grains as well.

All point to detrimental effects from inflammation and many other connections a well.

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