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Warfarin and Bruising
September 28, 2014 01:21AM
Four weeks ago I had a fall from a ladder , approximately 1.5 meters up the the ladder and I landed hard on my left buttock and it was a very heavy hit I can assure you . Within hours my left buttock swelled up and went completely black from my waist to my toes and it became extremely sore and painful, I went to my GP who said that all I could do was pack it with ice and take 2 Paracetamol tabs every 4 hours but really they were of no help at all .
I have been on Warfarin now for 8 years and this is the worst accident I have had , it really shook me up and I felt quite i'll with the pain . I now know not to go climbing ladders at my age (69) as I thought I was fit and alert but no not on this occasion.
I sent a picture of my terrible bruising to Jackie to show her the extent of my injuries and she was shocked to say the least , what I have learnt is with an injury such as this do not take anti'imflamm ., tabs or creams of any sort as my GP pointed out because of the swelling my skin became very inflamed and tight , he did finally give me some Tramadol tabs but I am careful not to have too many but they did help a bit. The best thing to use was Aqualene moisturiser , it is now 4 weeks and I am now I can say I am about 80% recovered , for normal bruising Arnica is fine and it works a treat but not with very large Hematoma's .

Kind regards to all Warfarin users........Kevin

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2014 01:25AM by Kvntoday.
Re: Warfarin and Bruising
September 28, 2014 02:14PM
A friend of mine had the same thing happen to her and the bruise burst. Needless to say she
went to the hospital. She had a quad bypass about 4 months ago. She is 70. She is now in rehab
and seems to be doing well. She will remember to use her walker, maybe, now. She is very stubborn.

You are very lucky, The best to you.
Re: Warfarin and Bruising
September 28, 2014 03:36PM
Hi Kevin - I'm certainly glad you are improving. Definitely, anyone on anticoags should not be climbing on ladders or such.
You were very fortunate not to be more seriously injured. Glad to know you found something that works better than Arnica gel... That's what I used when I had the hematoma sacks from groin to knee on both legs as a result of warfarin and my first ablation in 2003.

To all reading... Kevin did indeed share with me the photo of the bruise that covered his left buttock. (We're just all one big supportive family here! ) ; )

Be safe and well, Kevin.
Re: Warfarin and Bruising
October 01, 2014 08:29PM
I am slowly coming right but I still have some swelling in my left leg but the bruising has abated , the one thing I have found after 5 weeks is I have lost a lot of energy and I guess it is because for 3 weeks I had to sit with my leg up .
I swear I will never climb on a ladder again and my son or my son in law can do all of those sort of jobs , I am slowly starting to sleep a bit at night by taking some Magnesium and I have stopped taking the vitamin B executive stress formula .
Certainly the Warfarin has increased the problem with the hematoma that I had but I just want get some strength back and enjoy life again .
I hope this does not happen to any other members as it has been a most unpleasant experience .

Best wishes to all and Jackie for her wonderful encouragement.

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