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The Strategy
September 19, 2014 02:23PM
Hi All

I've been reading this site for a couple of years, and find it (and you all) very impressive.

I've recently turned a corner in my afib. After four relatively easy years of management with propafanone and Cardizem, I recently spent four days at NYU Hospital with very high (171 bpm) heart rate. My Cardioversion, once they got the basic rate down with a 24 hour Cardizem drip, lasted only a few hours. I'm now on Multaq and metropolol, and the rate is under control.

I'm thinking about an ablation (with great trepidation) but want to get serious about doing MY homework - supplements, etc. Can someone direct me to the information contained in the Strategy, a paper I believe written by Jackie. I've tried several searches to no avail. I know it's on the website somewhere!

I have learned so much here, and I truly appreciate all the good will and thoughtfulness that you all exhibit. It's a club I never wanted to join, but you are all good clubmates!

Mary Rae
Re: The Strategy
September 19, 2014 02:27PM

It is on this page along with a lot of other good stuff : <[www.afibbers.org]
Here is the direct link<[www.afibbers.org]

Re: The Strategy
September 19, 2014 10:00PM
It's definately worth trying, magnesium in particular, you might even me able to get off the Anti-arthymics, like I did.
Re: The Strategy
September 23, 2014 12:15PM
I'm taking 750mg of chelated magnesium, and my heart feels "quieter" then it has in MONTHS!

That may not mean I won't get an attack still, but the day to day bloops and bleeps of my heart are almost gone!!! I wish I hadn't listened to my cardio who advised against mag!

Re: The Strategy
September 23, 2014 03:38PM

Don't know why that is. Cardios don't seem to use mag. I know ER docs and have read stories where a "goto" in the ER (at least some of them) with afib is IV mag. My friend's 92 yo mother went in to the ER with afib and they converted her with mag. There is a disconnect someplace.

Re: The Strategy
September 24, 2014 12:43AM
My EP said that they have tried putting people on mag. and AF still rears its head. Mag. does help but it isn't a cure all, if it was, then why are so many on this board getting ablations after trying mag., K etc.?

Re: The Strategy
September 28, 2014 02:24PM
I think it depends on the individual, in my case magnesium supplements would trigger afib. Even the smallest amounts would cause an increase in ectopics the same day, and an afib episode the next.
Re: The Strategy
September 28, 2014 03:47PM
Liz - because magnesium is only part of the picture... a highly critical part, but it's not the only electrolyte or other element involved.

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