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Could Tickling The Ear Be Good For AF ?
August 30, 2014 07:52PM
New study shows that tickling the ear could be good for the heart.
The article doe's not mention AF, BUT !!!
The team stimulated the vagus, a nerve that regulates the heart.
We need to dig a little deeper with this for its positive or negative AF results.

Professor Jim Deuchars reported, “You feel a bit of a tickling sensation in your ear when the TENS machine is on, but it is painless. It is early days — so far we have been testing this on healthy subjects — but we think it does have potential to improve the health of the heart and might even become part of the treatment for heart failure.”

P.S. Don't try this at home. It may trigger an AF attack winking smiley

Re: Could Tickling The Ear Be Good For AF ?
September 01, 2014 05:33PM
Thanks, Todd, interesting post.
Co-incidentally, I recently read this Book: The Electric Body book by an orthopedic surgeon who used minute currents to stimulate healing of broken bones that wouldn't set. It seems that our bodies do have the ability to regenerate tissues, and that can be stimulated by tiny electric currents.
Would it be possible to dampen down unwanted electric currents in the heart without having to use physical scars? Do we even know for sure where they are originating and why? Could the medical industry have latched on to the symptomatic cure of ablation to the detriment of other fields of research? I know that electric flow is produced when a conductor cuts lines of magnetic force, could current be dampened by changing the magnetic field around the body? Do we know the amplitude of the currents producing fibrillation compared with that of the normal heart rythym?
When one is in afib, all one wants is to get back into NSR, and if ablation does it, then get me an ablation, now! I'm not clever enough to figure it out, but maybe somebody will. Dr Ernst?
My old neighbour here in Ireland 40 years ago bought a TENS machine and used it to dull the pain of his artritis. But i think for vagal afib we need to do the opposite of stimulating that nerve don't we, or have i got it wrong?
Re: Could Tickling The Ear Be Good For AF ?
September 03, 2014 08:08PM
John - You would also be interested in the book by Jerry Tennant, MD, Healing is Voltage, and his work with electrical currents to correct various ailments... the list is long. The voltage factor definitely is part of the atrial fibrillation story and past posts, we have discussed the reasons why and how optimizing the core electrolytes and alkalizing tissue pH contributes to calming the heart along with other healing factors. He's a brilliant practitioner. Check out the book on Amazon and his website [tennantinstitute.us]

Re: Could Tickling The Ear Be Good For AF ?
September 04, 2014 09:33PM
Thanks Jackie, will do some reading.
I trust you are taking it easy and recovering well.
Re: Could Tickling The Ear Be Good For AF ?
July 18, 2015 02:55PM
I recently read that Dr. Datis Kharrazian had mentioned that gargling throughout the day can stimulate the vagus nerve and help to get things working properly again.
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