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Anybody on Norpace (disopyramide)?
August 17, 2014 01:39AM
I recently started taking this "old drug" for rhythm control, but then again I'm an "old guy" at 75 :-) Flecainide worked wonders for me during a long period but became less and less effective in recent months. I am a vagal afibber, with episodes coming on only during my sleeping hours. I do plan to get tested for sleep apnea in the near future as that may be a factor. I would appreciate any feedback members have on this new "old drug" I'm taking. I have yet to convert to NSR after three days on disopyramide and am waiting patiently.
Thanks, Tom
Re: Anybody on Norpace (disopyramide)?
August 17, 2014 08:45PM

Back in the day, PC (an MD and prolific poster) used it. Here is a search and you can go to the old pages for PC's posts <[www.afibbers.org]


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/18/2014 08:05PM by GeorgeN.
Re: Anybody on Norpace (disopyramide)?
August 18, 2014 07:53PM
Thanks, George, for the references and future reading for me. By the way, I just converted to normal sinus rhythm after being on disopyramide for five days! Now, let's see if it keeps me there! Tom
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