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80% improvement and hoping for cure
August 12, 2014 10:37PM
I am 72 years old male and had paroxysmal afib for more than 8 years. I tried some supplements (MG, potassium, Q10 ,vitamins..etc) which helped a little but did not stop the afib. The best results I got by taking 100 mg fleckanide + beta blocker as pip.
My main triggers were caffeine , chocolate and stress (physical but more emotional stress).
My life was extremely negatively affected by my condition. I abandoned travelling with my wife and children in fear of an episode while flying.
The internet literature and this and other forums were giving me some hope.
In the mean time my mother (90 years old now) was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension and a sleep study was done by the pulmonologist.
Diagnosis : obstructive sleep apnea.
This has led me to request a sleep study from my cardiologist who never mentioned that before.
Diagnosis: moderate obstructive sleep apnea.
I was given a cpap machine but kept it unused for more than 6 monthes.After further reading and researching the internet medical sites and forums I decided to start using my prescribed cpap machine .
The next morning I felt there was a difference. My heart was quieter and my postprandial tachycardy was much less.
I continued using the cpap machine religiously every night and every nap for more than 8 monthes .
Now my improvement from afib is more than 80% .
I still have some ectopics (pacs and pvcs) when I am stressed (more emotional than physical)
but I can deal with them easily by taking only a small single dose of beta blocker . Afib came only 2-3 times due to overconsumption of coffee and chocolate combined with overexertion but I could convert easily to nsr by taking pip flec + betablocker and resting for 2-3 hours.No comparison to my weekly afib episodes before using my cpap .
Conclusion: Sleep apnea is the cause of atrial fibrillation in many cases.It leads to partial or complete closure of our upper airways while sleeping and we do not know about it. Obstruction of the airways leades to many dreadful events in the heart ,lungs and the whole body. Our oxygen saturation is reduced during these episodes.Resulting sympathetic hyperactivity and adrenaline overproduction have detrimental effects on every organ in our body. The heart response is atrial fibrillation.Other problems are high blood pressure, CHF, pulmonary hypertension, diabetes,and much more.All these problems arise after very long time because the condition is chronic and the diagnosis is very late. Of course there are cases of atrial fibrillation with causes other than sleep apnea.
My advice to all my fellow afibbers please go for a sleep study as soon as possible whether you are young or old, thin or overweight. You might have sleep apnea. Treating it will change your life.
For those who intend to go for an ablation: If there is no medical emergency and after consulting with your doctor please consider postponing it for a couple of weeks or monthes until you finished your sleep study . If you have sleep apnea stick with your cpap therapy . You might not need the ablation now or later. For those who have already done the ablation the sleep study is also important. If they have sleep apnea , treating it might save them from a second ablation .
I am going to report about my improvement after completing the first year.I hope the success will continue.
best wishes ,

Re: 80% improvement and hoping for cure
August 13, 2014 12:29AM
Very Good advice Ben OSA is a biggie contributor to AFIB and as you found treating it effectively can help reduce frequency and intensity if symptoms in many sleep apnea sufferers and is very much worth treating and finding out first if you have it when AFIB is active in your life.

Thanks for sharing Ben,
Re: 80% improvement and hoping for cure
August 13, 2014 02:20AM
One of my afibber friends with OSA is recently trying to learn a digeridoo to strengthen those muscles. <[www.sleepapnea.org] This may also work with double-reed woodwind instruments--oboes, bassoons and English horns. Google apnea and digeridoo for more info.

Re: 80% improvement and hoping for cure
August 13, 2014 11:39PM
Also central apnea and hypopnea can contribute to the likelyhood of triggering af.
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