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Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up
August 12, 2014 01:00AM
Hi All,

I know many of you are as looking forward to hear of Jackie's ablation outcome as I am so I wanted to pass on the good news that the procedure is over and she is in her very nice room ( according to her son Dave who is there with her) and in the midst of her 6 hours of laying still without moving her legs.

The total time from beginning to end when she left recovery was around 3 hours according to Dave, Dr Natale took care of business and she is going to rest up through the night and I'l speak with her tomorrow morning.

She had the last ablation starting in mid afternoon today, so is still in the early phases of recovery as many of you can imagine from your own experience.

Im very glad she is doing well overall and reported quickly just feeling a little tender and raw in the groin area, understandably for the time being.

Alas, she had 'the trip from hell' yesterday in traveling from Cleveland to Austin via several unplanned stops that became an all day affair and traveling by plane has never been Jackie's favorite pass-time ...

She was supposed to land in Austin around 10:30AM Sunday and did not arrive until around 6:00pm or so!! Yak.

She did sleep well last night and the last I heard from her they were heading off to St Davids for her big day. That is the update so far .. will keep yoiu posted tomorrow when I hear from her.

At least the return trip will not be until this Saturday and her son is traveling back to Cleveland with her which should be a big help. He is from Austin so at least knows the area well too during the next days of recovery out of the hospital.

Take care all,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/13/2014 12:41PM by Shannon.
Re: Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up !
August 12, 2014 01:41AM
Ahh - that's good news to hear she is now on the side of recovery and all went well. Please let her know we have all been praying for her and will look forward to more good news in the next few days.

thanks for letting us know, Shannonsmiling smiley ~ Barb
Re: Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up
August 12, 2014 03:04AM
Great news! Thanks for the update Shannon. Jackie, be well!!!

That's good to hear. Thanks Shannon for keeping us updated.
Hope to hear from Jackie soon!

Re: Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up
August 12, 2014 12:12PM
Been praying for you young lady. Glad all went well.
Hoping for a speedy recovering. Will chat with you soon.
Re: Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up
August 12, 2014 02:39PM
Sending wishes for a speedy and uneventful recovery for Richmond Hill, Ontario - Jackie has been a wonderful voice of good counsel and reason in difficult times as we all know and I wish there were some way to repay the kindness asides from simply sending good wishes.

Get well soon Jackie!

Murray L
Richmond Hill, Ontario

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
Re: Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up
August 12, 2014 03:52PM
Wonderful news Shannon! Hopefully, this one will be a keeper and she will live out the rest of her life in NSR.

Re: Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up
August 12, 2014 04:19PM
Happy NSR Jackie ! !
Re: Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up
August 12, 2014 04:44PM
Haven't spoken with Jackie yet as she is just in the process of getting discharged from the hospital, which itself is good news. Im sure she will give us a run down on her stay there when she is back in Ohio after this coming weekend.

Until then we know she came through it well as her son let me know last night and again this morning that they were checking her out so thats the main thing for now.

Re: Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up
August 12, 2014 07:08PM
Yay ! Well done Jackie now take it easy and enjoy NSR again x
Re: Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up
August 12, 2014 11:52PM
Great news! Congratulations, Jackie, and all good wishes for an easy ànd speedy recovery!

Re: Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up
August 13, 2014 12:23AM
Good news, I just had a short and sweet chat with Jackie who is safely back at her hotel
with her son who is helping take care of her now that she is sprung from St David's. She sounds fine just with a little raspiness to the voice common the first day after and which should clear up quickly in the next couple days.

All went well, and she can give us all the details when she gets hooked up to a computer soon , but remarked about how nice and helpful everyone at St David's was and she had a very nice chat with Dr Natale in her room this morning before check out. So all is well and she is a trooper and I'm sure will be happy to share from her experience in the days ahead.

That's it for now, Jackie will take it over from
here when she gets connected and is able to.

Re: Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up
August 13, 2014 12:43AM

All best wishes and good thoughts!

Re: Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up
August 13, 2014 04:31AM

Glad to hear that all went well.

Take care,

Re: Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up
August 13, 2014 07:51PM
Thanks for the update on Jackie, Shannon. It is good to hear that her son Dave will be travelling back to Cleveland with her and taking care of her. Such good news that the touchup went well!

We will continue to pray for rapid healing and no complications.

Re: Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up
August 14, 2014 03:29AM
Hi Folks,

Another brief update from Jackie today, She sounded really great and her voice was strong and clear and quite peppy really. She also remarked at how truly good she felt and not bad at all with no real pain or significant discomfort beyond some little mild tenderness in the right jugular area where the duo-deca-polar (20 pole global mapping catheter) was threated through the jugular vein and into the coronary sinus and other parts of the right atrium to get a broad view of the left and right atrium voltage maps to go along with the lasso mapping catheter that, along with the ablation catheter, are the only two that go in the left atrium after transeptal puncture and it is this lasso mapping catheter that is for direct targeted focal mapping for the most part.

In any event, Jackie said its hardly worth a comment its so relatively minor a tenderness really, and she really would typically even complain of this mild a discomfort but only mentions it as at least something she can feel. But overall she said its quite remarkable how well she feels.

The other thing is that it will likely not be until she gets back home, which is Saturday evening, and I would say probably no sooner than Sunday before she has a chance to get back on her own computer and is able to tell us all what her experience there was like in her own words.

She did say that her earlier fleeting concerns about flying all the way to Austin for the ablation are a thing of the past, even with her trip from hell on Sunday to get there, with the whole experience in hindsight. She said such issues in her mind are certainly not worth giving up the chance for the kind of expert care and skill she enjoyed there at St Davids, and if she ever has to come back for a touch up or follow up scan she would not hesitate to do so in a moment.

Im so glad things went so well for Jackie as I was confident they would but its great to hear it from her.

Stay tuned for her review. early next week.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/19/2014 12:43PM by Shannon.
Re: Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up
August 14, 2014 03:43AM
Good news. Thanks, Shannon!

Re: Jackie back in her room starting recovery after her Natale touch up
August 23, 2014 07:32PM
a Thank you for keeping us up to date. Sending healing and love to Jackie and wishing her a return to NSR.
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