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Link to list of Drugs that deplete magnesium
July 22, 2014 03:07PM
Below is a handy link to a list of just the most popular drug classes that are known magnesium wasters. If anyone here has to take any of these drugs for a period of time, be sure to ratchet up your magnesium intake to just below bowel tolerance. As Jackie noted below, this list is only a general good start, many other drugs also do a number on magnesium stores.

Magnesium depleting drugs


PS Smackman, note that Cipro you were inquiring about in your antibiotics thread below is a big time magnesium waster as is a large number of other antibiotics. So never stop magnesium when on those drugs but just stagger the dosing of each by 4 to 6 hours each day to insure minimal to no interactions.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2014 01:08AM by Shannon.
Re: Link to list of Drugs that deplete magnesium
July 22, 2014 04:40PM
Shannon - Thanks, Shannon..

While this lists 14 specific drugs, the overall finding is that ALL drugs deplete magnesium... even the heart meds we take for arrhytyhmia... according to the leading magnesium researcher, the late Mildred S. Seelig, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.N.

Over time, I've noticed that since I was forced to resume Rythmol, the antiarrhythmic drug that also contains a beta blocker, my magnesium bowel tolerance level increased from approximately 800 mg daily to 1200 and I'm still working on stabilizing the optimal level.

So.. bottom line is.....afibbers should keep in mind that any drugs they take contribute to some degree of magnesium depletion...

Additionally, for those who drink bottled water... note this LEF report on magnesium loss from bottled water consumption.

This just serves as another reminder that emphasizes the need for continual supplementation of magnesium and the importance of the Exatest to determine just how much magnesium is actually inside cells where it functions.

Re: Link to list of Drugs that deplete magnesium
July 22, 2014 06:40PM
Gracias, S!
Re: Link to list of Drugs that deplete magnesium
July 22, 2014 07:08PM
From Shannon's link:

With a person who has a heart arrhythmia, who has been shown via testing to be magnesium-wasting or deficient (as measured by erythrocyte mag levels), then I think it's safer to go a little higher, with doctor's supervision of course and not forever (a shorter term).

With your product [Jigsaw Magnesium w/SRT], since it has malic acid, it is great for people with fibro and muscle pain too, and I like the dose of 2 tabs twice a day. But with MD approval, I think you could even higher. The only problem with too much mag is that it tilts the sister minerals out of balance, and after chronic ingestion of high mag dosing, you could see a relative deficiency in other minerals like calcium, zinc, etc.

Hmm, I foresee doing what I'm doing with my high mag dose forever, if I want to stay in NSR...
Re: Link to list of Drugs that deplete magnesium
July 23, 2014 12:40AM
People eat Antacids like candy.
Never wanting to try something as simple and effective as Apple Cider Vinegar.


Aluminum and magnesium hydroxide (Maalox, Mylanta)
Aluminum carbonate gel (Basaljel)
Aluminum hydroxide (Amphojel, AlternaGEL)
Calcium carbonate (Tums, Titralac, Rolaids)
Magnesium hydroxide (Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia)
Sodium bicarbonate (Alka-Seltzer, baking soda)
Re: Link to list of Drugs that deplete magnesium
July 23, 2014 08:09PM
excellent, thank you Shannon
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