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Magnesium question
July 06, 2014 09:11PM
Hi all!
Hope everyone had a good Fourth of July weekend!
I have a question I have been taking doctors best brand of mag
200mg tablets chelated glycinate/lysinatr chelate.....I recently ran out
And didn't order online I was at a GNC and picked up their brand
High absorption but it isn't chelated and it says on the back magnesium
As aspartate/lactate/citrate? Should I take this? I have been on the doctors
Best for 8 months....I know I see a lot about chelated, high absorption
This just says combines 3 forms of high let absorbable mag?
Just wanted opinions.
Re: Magnesium question
July 06, 2014 09:52PM

I've used mag citrate successfully before. It can be more prone to produce loose stools, however. I've not used the others, but seem to recall Jackie having something she warned against on the aspartate.

Re: Magnesium question
July 07, 2014 12:01PM
Hi Joe - As George mentions, the citrate form when you use it frequently can have a laxation effect. The amino acid chelated form by the Albion patented process is the one serves most of us the best as it doesn't cause bowel tolerance issues until dosing becomes quite high... like around 800 - 1,000 mg. (depends on the individual) and it doesn't break down in the stomach and combine with other elements. The goal is to push to your max dosing as indicated by bowel tolerance since we continually have to keep optimizing our magnesium stores inside the cells. Magnesium is easily and quickly depleted so it's a continual task to remain optimally repleted.

Stay away from any that list aspartate as part of the complex because that tends to be aspartate is an excitotoxin. .

Please read through the Magnesium Absorption report for more details.
Magnesium Absorption

At the iHerb website, you'll find Bluebonnet Nutrition, Magnesium Chelate which is by the Albion process and is also made in the USA and has the advantage of being capsules rather than the large tablets. However, many find Doctor's Best works well for them, also, and it's based on on the Albion process plus other ingredients, as I recall.

Hope this helps.

Re: Magnesium question
July 07, 2014 12:14PM
Thanks for the replay Jackie! Much appreciatedsmiling smiley
I hope you have a great Monday!
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