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Ablation Accomplished with Dr. Natale!

Posted by Charlotte 
Ablation Accomplished with Dr. Natale!
June 26, 2014 03:59PM
Hi All,

Thought I'd give an update since my ablation with Dr. Natale on Friday, 6/20. I want to first express my appreciation again to those of you who share your words of support, your knowledge and understanding and advice -- and offer my encouragement to you who are still struggling to find answers for your own situations. This board is where I first found information and support that helped me to manage the angst that was such a part of my AFib experience and, more importantly, introduced me to Dr. Natale.

As for the procedure: my CTScan was scheduled for a couple of hours before the ablation. I had been pre-medicated for the scan as I had had a mild reaction (rash) after my first ablation 15 months ago -- and don't know whether it was related or not, but I very conveniently went into AFib immediately following the scan. For once, it actually felt like a good thing. The ablation took about 2 hours; there was LAA involvement, which I understand increases my chances of a touch-up to 35-40%. But Dr. Natale reported to my husband and sister that it all went well, though a bit more complicated since he was having to work around my prior ablation, which had been cryo. My only real discomfort afterwards was the extreme cottonmouth from having had to take a heavy dose of Benedryl pre-scan. I never needed a pain pill, never had any real discomfort from the intubation, my pulse and blood pressure are back to normal, staying in NSR. I'm still not bundle of energy, though I can feel myself getting stronger each day. I will be taking Eliquis and Multaq until told I can stop.

My only unusual event was the morning following the procedure when I had a strange visual incident. Hard to describe, but apparently what some people experience as a migraine aura without a headache (left eye only, bright sparkly colors in a jagged edge in a half-oval shape.) It lasted about 1/2 hour, affected my vision sufficiently that I couldn't read, and after a few minutes, I reported it to the nurse. She checked for stroke symptoms, then said she would notify the doctor. It disappeared as suddenly as it came with no residual effects that I am aware of. However, they did request an MRI, which was normal. Thank Goodness!!! Still no clue what it was about, but no recurrence. The worst part of it was that I missed seeing Dr.Natale on his morning rounds because I was having the MRI -- and by the time I was back to my room, he was on a plane heading elsewhere.

What I can say without reservation is that I have felt wonderfully taken care of throughout the process -- St. David's and Dr. Natale's staff make every effort to provide an environment of responsible and competent care, sensitivity to patient and family, and education and sharing of information. I am, of course, a new devotee of Dr. Natale and his expertise, even though I only saw him once, during my initial consultation a week before the procedure. I did get a glimpse of the amazing cath lab before I was out-like-a-light -- what incredible technology is available now! (There was also a very small screen, apart from the large one, on which the Italian soccer team was playing….I don't think I ever heard whether they won, but I was rooting for them that day!) As far as I am aware, I am well on my way to full recovery! As they say, "One and done." -- at least that's what I'm hoping… (Well, in my case, it probably would have been so if I had started with Natale…)

Again, many thanks to you who make up this board. Will report back if there is anything of interest or help to anyone else.
Re: Ablation Accomplished with Dr. Natale!
June 26, 2014 04:35PM

Congratulations and continued NSR to you!

Anonymous User
Re: Ablation Accomplished with Dr. Natale!
June 26, 2014 08:40PM
Hi Charlotte,
First, I want to congratulate you for the successful procedure.
Are or were you a paroxysmal, persistent or what type of afibber? And how long have you had afib?

Re: Ablation Accomplished with Dr. Natale!
June 27, 2014 01:33AM
Great news Charlotte!

Sounds like you are off to a great post ablation recovery and start of your life without AFIB being such a hassle.
You'll get more chances to interact with Dr Natale during your follow up appointment in a numbernofvmonths and you had his full attention during the most important few hours of your relationship together when he was fixing your heart .. The Italain football team on the small monitor in the EP lab not withstanding :-).

He is now rooting for USA team all the way since they moved on to the final group of 16 today backing in to the next round in spite of a close loss to Germany today.

Take care,
Re: Ablation Accomplished with Dr. Natale!
June 27, 2014 01:59AM
Hi Duke,
I was (and I'm confidently using the word, was) paroxysmal. I was first diagnosed about 7 years ago, though had had events prior to that, which had not been recorded. My intervals between hits became shorter, and the duration longer, until I decided to go for the first ablation in March 2013. I've read enough of your posts to know you're much younger than my 71 years. I was diligent about the supplements I learned about from this board, convinced I could control the thing without drugs or surgery. However, I could never identify my triggers, never did feel successful in controlling it, and was very tired of living with the perpetual angst. I am otherwise extremely blessed with good health for my age (and my job before retiring was as director of a senior citizens' center -- so I know how many my age are not healthy), I hate taking any kind of medication, and I intend to live another bunch of years, so the ablation seemed my best option. My only mistake was to compromise the best choice of doctors for convenience for my family in selecting an EP the first time -- a big mistake, I now believe. I had decided after my first breakthrough AFIB following the Dallas ablation (it occurred about 4 months out) that I would seek Dr. Natale for any future work on my heart.
It's early, I know, and Dr. Natale was very upfront about the increased chances of a touch up procedure because of the LAA involvement (had never heard of that til I got their handouts), but I am extremely confident that I will be AFIB-free.
Good luck as you proceed with your journey.
Anonymous User
Re: Ablation Accomplished with Dr. Natale!
June 27, 2014 02:10AM
Hi Charlotte,
Thank you for replying and sharing your journey.
I wish that you won't have to go through the LAA touch up procedure and be Afib free from here on out. But if you do, I'm sure you will be fine in good hands of the good doctor.
I hope to hear from you from time to time. Thanks again.

If I may add, Go USA! Go USA!
Sorry, I'm a USA soccer fan fanatic and I'm so proud of our team.

Re: Ablation Accomplished with Dr. Natale!
June 27, 2014 03:33AM
Thanks, Duke. I'm with you in being proud of our USA team! My son, who is exactly your age, is also an avid soccer fan. I was always thankful he played soccer instead of football! I'll be interested to know how your own AFIB journey proceeds, trusting you will join me in the AFIB-free dance soon!

Shannon, you were instrumental in helping me go through this process without a moment of fear. Thanks so much. And, yes, I knew absolutely that Dr. Natale was giving me his best attention, even with Italy playing at the exact time of my procedure! I do look forward to seeing him at my follow-up visit in a few weeks. Meanwhile, I am most grateful for the backup support of the nurse educators. I may be the only one who does not know this, but how did you acquire your extensive knowledge of all this? Just curious...but how helpful you are!!! Thanks again!

I am ready to put most of my attention to things other than AFIB for a change, but I do intend to check back in here occasionally....

Best to all...
Re: Ablation Accomplished with Dr. Natale!
June 27, 2014 12:35PM
Charlotte, sounds great. I had the 'ocular migraine' I think they call it, about a week after the procedure. Things in front of me appeared as if in a kaleidoscope for a few minutes. Apparently it is a known issue arising from the transseptal puncture and seems to resolve itself quickly. I just experienced it once.
Re: Ablation Accomplished with Dr. Natale!
June 27, 2014 03:03PM

Afhound is right, the occular migraines are a known issue from the transeptal puncture in some people and they do not yet know how to discriminate who might or might not be prone to it. It is not very common, but does happen. Fortunately, in all the reported cases Im aware of it has been self-limiting and benign.

And you ask where I learned these things, mostly from 22 years of the school of hard knocks with AFIB, doing lots of reading, being very fortunate to have developed some very handy connections 'in the know' in this field, and having always had a funny kind of memory that seems to remember many things once read or heard. And not least of all, having been a regular member here for the past 12 years which has been such an invaluable resource.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/27/2014 07:43PM by Shannon.
Re: Ablation Accomplished with Dr. Natale!
June 27, 2014 03:35PM
Hi Charlotte - glad to hear from and about you! I was wondering how you made out, as your ablation was right after mine. I had the same positive comments to make about the staff at St. David's and Dr. Natale - all top notch. I was actually out window shopping with my sister (a huge shopping lover) the afternoon that I was released - on Saturday. While not moving quickly or going real far, I was surprised at how well I felt.

I will be doing the Happy Dance too, right after I get over whatever stomach bug is bugging me right now...nausea doesn't make one want to dance, that's for sure. Once this is cleared up, I think I'm going to really focus on adding some more fun into my life and a lot less worry!

Continued NSR and joyous days ahead ~ Barb
Re: Ablation Accomplished with Dr. Natale!
June 27, 2014 04:47PM
Good to hear you're doing well Charlotte! Those St David folks are indeed great! I had a very similar visual occurance a few days following my ablation. Other than the odd vision I felt totally normal. I was actually admitted back into the hospital because of stroke or tia concerns. Like yours, the incident only lasted about 20 minute. A very weird sensation! In any event they did all the test to include Mra's, CT scans and blood work. I saw cardiologist and neurologist. They determined no stroke or tia. They attributed it dehydration and exhaustion from the lasix, travel and all that had happened over the preceding few days, i don't know that they even considered ocular migraine resulting from the transsptal puncture but that sure sound like a likely culprit to me!

I wish you the best in your continued recovery!

Re: Ablation Accomplished with Dr. Natale!
June 28, 2014 12:42AM
Well, heck, I began a reply, got called away from the computer, and my session timed out.

Craig, I had read about your experience and thought it sounded similar. Sorry you had to go through another night in a hospital, but know the relief of learning it was benign.
Hope you get all your questions answered and continue to recover fully!

Shannon and Afhound, thanks for your info re: ocular migraines... I actually had another incident a couple of nights ago, but just turned the lights down and lay down for a few minutes, and it didn't last as long as the first one....and I didn't get scared. Just let it pass on by! Having had migraines without the aura, I'll take this over the pain any day!

Barb, hope your virus has also passed...and you are doing your Happy Dance! Glad you got to enjoy a bit of Austin besides St. David's. We are fortunate to have a small place in the country about an hour from Austin, which has been the perfect place to recoup. I feel better and stronger each day!

At the risk of being gushy, I am just so grateful for this site, which I have turned to so many times during one of my middle-of-the night AFIB hits. You have provided information, support, and understanding. I actually printed several pages re: the supplements and took to my first cardiologist and he took them, but I could tell he was less than interested. I have been mostly a silent lurker, and I have nothing to offer except encouragement and what anecdotal experiences I have had. But those of you like Shannon and George and Jackie (just some names I consistently see responding to the myriad of questions we all have) offer something invaluable!!! Thank you, thank you!!!

Happy Dancing to you all...Charlotte
Re: Ablation Accomplished with Dr. Natale!
June 28, 2014 03:14AM
I completely agree with your comments, Charlotte about being grateful for this Board and all of the terrific people like you mentioned, always being there to help in whatever way they can. I can't imagine going through this experience without this...People who dont' have Afib or at least serious palpitations just don't "get it", but here, everyone fully DOES.

So glad you are mending well and already dancing! I'm feeling better from yesterday too, so it looks like I may be doing a NY happy dance this weekend toosmiling smiley

Re: Ablation Accomplished with Dr. Natale!
July 02, 2014 02:51PM
Barb & Charlotte, congratulations to both of you! My first appointment with Dr. Natale is next week -- July 10th at Scripps in LaJolla, CA. This is just a consultation, but I am sure I will have an ablation based on my history and information from Shannon; and reading everyone's positive results is very, very comforting. (Barb, I haven't been in touch with you about your offer/suggestion because I am just too busy -- haven't even been on the forum too much lately, but so glad you are doing well.)

I have had ocular migraines on and off for a few years. My optometrist thought it was low blood sugar. As soon as I see the beginning of a halo I eat something sweet and it keeps it stops within 10 minutes. If I don't, it does turn into a headache, but not as bad as a regular migraine. Just thought I'd add that two cents. I wonder if I should just plan on it after the ablation!

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