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Iodine for A-fib
May 29, 2014 12:37AM
I don't know if this board still promotes, discusses or looks for natural cures, but I had a question about iodine.

I think I have seen discussion before on iodine fulfuillment being a cure for afib, but I was wondering if anyone on the board had experienced this themselves or have run across and other anecdotal evidence for this treatment. The one thing I have run across is the following:


If anyone has more info please let me know.

Anonymous User
Re: Iodine for A-fib
May 29, 2014 12:56AM
Lynn - search the archived posts by William on Iodine. He cured his Afib with Iodine and diet.

It's well known that iodine deficiency is rampant and also that the ailments caused by iodine deficiency such as hypothyroidism are epidemic.

The Iodine Literate Doctors such as Guy Abraham, MD, Jorge Flechas, MD, J. D. Hakala and David Brownstein MD have a website with abundant info... much of which has been posted here over the past few years with references to their patients treated and various studies on the topic. You should also search the post archives for those names.

Here’s a start….[www.optimox.com]

Remember that if you live in a community with fluoridated water, you are undoubtedly deficient in iodine as fluoride blocks iodine’s receptor sites.

Re: Iodine for A-fib
May 29, 2014 01:19AM

I have read Brownsteins book and pretty much everything I could find on the web. What I wasn't finding was people posting about curing their afib with iodine.

I seems very logical and I am giving it a try, but just couldn't find any anecdotal stories about individuals curing their a.fib. There are lots of testaments about iodine curing other things and improving overall health. Glad to hear that at least one person on the board had luck with it. I feel somewhat encouraged.

About 5 yrs. ago I put in an RO water system. I have tried adding sea salt to each glass of water, lemon, mineral drops, etc. but I still feel terrible when I drink that water so I always revert back to tap water (even went on a Mountain Valley kick for awhile). Maybe I need an alkalizer.
Re: Iodine for A-fib
May 29, 2014 03:33AM
I hoped I fixed it with Iodine - went 6-9 months or so without perceivable AF - but it came back.
I was very disappointed. I got an ablation and so far it has worked - 18 mths out
Re: Iodine for A-fib
May 29, 2014 07:54AM
Can u describe the details of your iodine protocol. What kind did you use, how much, how long did it take for you to build up to total body fulfillment, had you decreased your intake when afib returned.
Re: Iodine for A-fib
May 29, 2014 12:07PM
Combination of Lugol's 2% Potassium Iodide 32.5mg and Iodoral (7.5mg KI + 5mg I) not all at once, varied it by day. Took it for a year. I had not decreased intake at all when AF returned. As I say it was a big disappointment. It might work for someone else but not for me, and I really wanted it to work.
Re: Iodine for A-fib
May 29, 2014 01:11PM
But like all things, still a good idea to make sure you're not deficient as with D3, B12 etc - just have to be careful how much you take.
Re: Iodine for A-fib
May 29, 2014 01:18PM
All my numbers are good. I have an iodine literate doc.
Re: Iodine for A-fib
May 29, 2014 02:02PM
I am surely no AF expert but it seems to me that unless Iodine or something else can stop the disruptive electrical activity in the PVs that at least in my case led to AF, there needs to be the insulation that an ablation achieves.
Re: Iodine for A-fib
May 29, 2014 03:08PM
This is an experiment for me, but since iodine heals other things in the body I am hoping it can heal the cause of the erratic electricity. Maybe too much to hope for but I am willing to try. I will say that I have not seen many testimonials from those who have been completely healed. I read Williams post and it seems that he achieved a six month remission. I could live with afib every six months.
Re: Iodine for A-fib
May 29, 2014 03:53PM
Hope it works for you. Looking back I realize I should probably have been more on the lookout for hidden bouts of AF during the time I was Iodine supplementing. Conor Barrett, my EP, told me they saw a lot of people slide in and out of it when they used Holters. I always felt I could tell when I was in AF just by taking a pulse but even so... I had AF for years without knowing it - just lucky I had no remodelling then, probably because it was infrequent and transitory (like after a 5 mile run)..

I do know it (AF) progressed and started morphing from adergenic to vagal and becoming very frequent. After it returned during the Iodine experiment, It came back with a vengeance -2 or 3 times a week or more - MSG a big trigger but plenty of others.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2014 03:54PM by afhound99.
Anonymous User
Re: Iodine for A-fib
May 29, 2014 08:28PM
you mentioned MSG and plenty of others are big triggers for your Afib. Now that you had the ablation, do those triggers still have an effect on you?

Re: Iodine for A-fib
May 29, 2014 09:04PM
After my ablation, nothing triggered AF, not even MSG although I stay away from that for other reasons.
Running 5 miles was a trigger on occasions too, but I think dehydration played a part in that.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2014 09:10PM by afhound99.
Anonymous User
Re: Iodine for A-fib
May 29, 2014 10:13PM
Lynn - is your water fluoridated? Oh - sorry - I blew right by your RO water comment.

When I am back in town, I'll check my iodine files. When iodine deficiency is present and results in malfunction of the thyroid gland, afib is one of the symptoms and the connection is not always obvious. Testing iodine levels along with a total Thyroid function profile is the way to determine whether your thyroid needs help.

Check the website of Mark Sircus - as I recall he discusses arrhythmias.

I'll send you a PM when I'm back at my computer and all my files if I have something that references that specifically. .


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2014 10:47PM by Jackie.
Re: Iodine for A-fib
May 30, 2014 01:37AM
Has anyone found a whole house water filtration system that removes fluoride that doesn't cost an arm and a leg? We are in the market for one right now. RO is fine for drinking water from the kitchen faucet, but I'd like to remove fluoride from the water I shower in and bathe in as well.

Thanks much,
Nancy M
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