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hematoma under eye and Xarelto question
April 30, 2014 09:27PM
Okay, I have a hematoma under my left eye after being accidently hit with a aluminum bat while teaching my 6 year old grandchild how to hit. This was yesterday or 24 hours ago. I had a Xray and nothing is fractured.

My GP wants me to stop Xarelto for 5 days along with the 81 mg baby aspirin to give the hematoma time to heal. It is a "nice size" hematoma. He said Xarelto or blood thinners is why there is so much blood in my hematoma.

I have called Dr. Natales nurse. She called back and said 5 days was to long and also questioned if Xarelto would actually do this. She is going to call me again after she consults with Kay.

I have always been on a baby aspirin ever since I had the one stent put in in Jan .2012.

Any thoughts on this? I have been had cold packs every hour on the hematoma (except when I sleep) as directed.
Re: hematoma under eye and Xarelto question
May 01, 2014 01:58AM
The nurse is a ditz. A number of years ago, my EP put me on Coumadin, I took it for a while and started getting blood which collected in a sac in my thumb just by opening a door handle, my eyes got all red with blood, my EP told me to stop taking the Coumadin. So, I would say that yes Xarelto is contributing to your hematoma, can you stop the Xarelto for a few days and see what happens? Also, I asked my EP recently about these newer blood thinners if they would be ok for me to take and he said they would act the same as Coumadin for me.

Re: hematoma under eye and Xarelto question
May 01, 2014 02:18AM
Sounds like you have a good bruise because you got a good whack in the eye with a bat... That will do it with or without Xeralto Smackman. I got hit below my eye 26 years ago when a bent over the top handle of a long hand truck when a friend accidently dropped a large heavy box of computer paper on the front lip of this hand truck when it was laying down thus launching the top handle of the hand truck straight up and in to my upper check bone right below my right eye knocking the bejeebers out of me and leaving a a fractured eye socket and a humongous hematoma that totally shut my utterly black and purple golfball- sized eye for over ten days .. And all without a drop of Coumadin or Xeralto in my blood.

Yes, a blood thinner could exacerbate to a degree such an injury, but unless it is a really major hematoma, it will likely go down on its own before long with or without stopping Xeralto. Though on the otherhand Smackman, you are about at the point where you could be stopping Xeralto anyway with the good report at almost 3 months now. Why don't you ask if it might be okay to stop it a little early in light of your good results after your late Feb ablation?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2014 02:37AM by Shannon.
Re: hematoma under eye and Xarelto question
May 01, 2014 02:45AM
Do you use anything as a blood thinner to help prevent a stroke from a possible blood clot?

Re: hematoma under eye and Xarelto question
May 01, 2014 07:03AM
I do use aspirin, I get my CRP, fibrinogen tests when I see my Holistic Doctor, who I see twice a year, those tests are always good. Usually when I get AF I go back into NSR within 12 to 14 hours, nothing in life is perfect, we do the best we can.

My brother and his wife do not have AF yet each had a mini stroke within a year of one another.

Re: hematoma under eye and Xarelto question
May 01, 2014 11:47AM
Shannon Wrote:
> Sounds like you have a good bruise because you got
> a good whack in the eye with a bat... That will do
> it with or without Xeralto Smackman. I got hit
> below my eye 26 years ago when a bent over the top
> handle of a long hand truck when a friend
> accidently dropped a large heavy box of computer
> paper on the front lip of this hand truck when it
> was laying down thus launching the top handle of
> the hand truck straight up and in to my upper
> check bone right below my right eye knocking the
> bejeebers out of me and leaving a a fractured eye
> socket and a humongous hematoma that totally shut
> my utterly black and purple golfball- sized eye
> for over ten days .. And all without a drop of
> Coumadin or Xeralto in my blood.
> Yes, a blood thinner could exacerbate to a degree
> such an injury, but unless it is a really major
> hematoma, it will likely go down on its own before
> long with or without stopping Xeralto. Though on
> the otherhand Smackman, you are about at the point
> where you could be stopping Xeralto anyway with
> the good report at almost 3 months now. Why don't
> you ask if it might be okay to stop it a little
> early in light of your good results after your
> late Feb ablation?
> Shannon

Dr. Natales nurse is calling back today.Yesterday, She tjought 5 days was to long and they want me to stay on Xarelto for 4-5 months as precautionary. She thought 2-3 days was long enough but she was going to discuss this with Kay and get backwith me.

And YES It is a WHOPPER! LOL The swelling is going down but the blood has spread to the corner of my eye. No fractures; Just a swollen cheekbone under eye.

3 months will be May 27; Ablation was Feb. 27 but doing good.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2014 11:50AM by smackman.
Re: hematoma under eye and Xarelto question
May 01, 2014 02:14PM
Heal up soon Smackman from the shiner!

Glad to hear the ticker is running along fine.
Take it easy, Shannon
Re: hematoma under eye and Xarelto question
May 02, 2014 02:36PM
I was told by the Nurse Practicioner at Austin to stay off the Xarelto and only 3 days, not 5. They also told me the Aspirin was not necessary when I took Xarelto.

My Cardiologist said 5 days was fine.

The swelling is way down but I have a hell of a shiner! LOL
Re: hematoma under eye and Xarelto question
May 05, 2014 03:14PM
Back on the Xarelto per Doctors orders. I stopped the baby aspirin. Dr. Natales NP said it was not necessary when taking Xarelto.

My swelling is way down around the eye but my face is bruised on the left cheek bone all the way down to my lips on the left side. It will take a long time for this totally go away. My cheek bone is very sore beside the eye and I have a nice lump there.
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