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Weight loss for afibbers
April 09, 2014 08:54PM
Need your input. I am following a plan eliminating sugar, wheat , and dairy. I also am trying to limit my carb total to 60 grams per day. I thought I remembered reading a comment from Shannon about no less than 60 grams per day for afibbers.. This is difficult , especially if you are drinking low sodium v8 that has 10 grams per 8 ounces. I usually drink 2 16 oz glasses per day. That is 40 grams at 10 grams per 8 ounces. Surely hope to have some suggestions as to what has worked for some of you. Thank you. Lynda
Re: Weight loss for afibbers
April 09, 2014 10:25PM
Hi Lynda,

It wasn't me that recommended a no less than 60 gram carb limit. I go for mostly a paleo-like diet but am not ultra strict.

Re: Weight loss for afibbers
April 10, 2014 12:49AM

I've been keto-adapted and eaten a very low carb/high fat diet for 6 ish years.

I may be the source of the 60 g/day comment. When dropping into "ketoland" - less than 60g carbs/day - at least during adaptation - electrolyte issues are reported. Some afibbers have noted this throws them into afib. The issue is that at this level, insulin levels drop to the point that the kidney is signaled to excrete sodium. As sodium levels drop, the kidney also excretes potassium to keep the ratios in line. Despite all the emphasis here on being low sodium, the state-of-the-art low carb advice is to actually supplement with sodium during this time. Typically 2-3g sodium/day. I'm not where I can read my copy, but info on this is in Volek & Phinney and their books which can be referenced here: <[www.artandscienceoflowcarb.com] .

I had one 2-hour episode with this during my adaptation, but have not had an issue since. I did this before I learned about sodium supplementation. Now my sodium intake doesn't matter. I have non-afib low carb friends who need to supplement sodium before exercise so they don't get fatigued. I only experienced this once and the before/after was dramatic.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2014 05:40PM by GeorgeN.
Re: Weight loss for afibbers
April 10, 2014 11:49AM
Shannon thanks for the clarification. Thank you George for the helpful info. Lynda
Re: Weight loss for afibbers
April 11, 2014 04:43AM
Hi Lynda - an alternative would be to use the Now Potassium Glyconate and mix it with water.

The V8 juice is made with a number of the vegetables on the "dirty dozen list" and therefore is likely contaminated with pesticides and fertilizers, it's caloric and high glycemic. It is just another processed food with a supplement added, and if I am not mistaken it contains potassium chloride which is known to be hard on the stomach.

The Now powder is very easy to use, and quite tasteless.

When it comes to "carbs" it is a matter of where they are on the spectrum of complex or simple - that is, where are they on the glycemic index. Anything that turns to sugar quickly should be avoided in the diet, and V8 likely fits this description.
Re: Weight loss for afibbers
April 11, 2014 01:55PM
Ron, thank you so much for your helpful info. I agree about the V8. I will order the powder. Thank you again for your help. Lynda
Re: Weight loss for afibbers
April 15, 2014 04:00PM
Hi Lynda,
I have been following Dr William Davis the Renound cardiologist who turned his focous to nutrition. The Wheat and processed foods we eat today are pretty much poison. I have had 2 afib attacks in the past 10 years which is basically nothing, i am 40 years old now, i was fairly overweight at my highest i was 357 pounds, after speaking with my cardio and doctor about venturing on this diet with their ok, i have lost 89 pounds and i have never felt better in my life! I saw a poster here a while back mention wheat belly and said to myself what the heck is that?.....well thats the name of the book, I suggest you buy it! Dr Davis is an amazing intelligent person! goes over everything that processed foord, and refined flour and sugar and wheat breaks down your body! I had sore joints, back aches, fatigue, within 3 weeks of being on this diet it was gone! i am pretty much betting it had to do with my afib as well, I wont go into detail about the book, better if you read it for yourself but i strongley suggest you try it, your diet will consist of meats, fish, cheeses, nuts, eggs, vegetables, etc........no processed foods, breads, sugars, unless the suagrs are from fruits that contain fiber, he also has a cookbook as well......best of luck! i hope you give it a try

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