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Re: TEE tomorrow - how quick to recover?

Posted by Nancy 
Re: TEE tomorrow - how quick to recover?
April 08, 2014 11:57PM
Yeah, mine took just seconds in my mind. Although apparently one of the guys had to lay on my legs to keep me from kicing the heck out of everything. Guess my body didn't like it. But my mind didn't notice anything.
TEE tomorrow - how quick to recover?
April 08, 2014 01:19AM
I am heading off to NYC for my 6 month+ follow up TEE for my ablation last September. A little nervous as I hate any kind of anesthesia...am hoping they just do it like they do when you get a colonoscopy...you hardly know you were out and you feel fine almost right afterwards. What has anyone else's experience been with this?

Re: TEE tomorrow - how quick to recover?
April 08, 2014 01:30AM
Yes, you will hardly know you were out and will feel fine shortly afterward. That's how it was with mine. The stuff they spray in your throat could taste better though.
Best wishes,
Re: TEE tomorrow - how quick to recover?
April 08, 2014 01:35AM
Ah that sounds more like what I'm hoping it will be...thanks, Bettysmiling smiley My sister was scaring me by saying that she thought I should consider bringing a health care proxy with me..!

That's how it was during my colonoscopy..I remember thinking, "did they really DO anything?".

Anyone else have a similiar experience?

Would like to meet up with my sister and do something fun in the city while I'm in there. ~ Barb
Re: TEE tomorrow - how quick to recover?
April 08, 2014 01:38AM
You'll be fine Barb, its a total piece of cake. At the very worse a very minor tickle in the throat for a few hours afterward but nothing at all to worry about at all.

Be sure you ask them for a full copy of the TEE report AND a copy of the TEE CD video clips of the procedure for your records.
Take care and relax all is fine.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/08/2014 05:34AM by Shannon.
Re: TEE tomorrow - how quick to recover?
April 08, 2014 02:24AM
OK thanks, Shannonsmiling smiley I was just a little nervous about this until my sister mentioned bringing in my health care proxy, and since I know she's a big internet searcher...I thought maybe she read something concerning and it was a bigger deal than I thought.

Appreciate the reassurance all. You can see that I"m clearly not the bravest person in town, which is why it took me so long to finally go and get my ablation in the first place! (and as we now know, that waiting wasn't such a good idea.....)

See you back here soonsmiling smiley ~ Barb
Re: TEE tomorrow - how quick to recover?
April 08, 2014 12:08PM
I'm not particularly fond of TEEs (except the golf kind). I remember my first one in 2004. I was sedated but awake for it and it was over with quickly. Through the years, I had several more prior to cardioversions and was usually put to sleep. The last time I had one in January 2013, I was in atrial flutter and going in for an ablation the next day. When they put me to sleep, my blood pressure dropped suddenly and I nearly went into shock. I've had two ablations but haven't had any follow-up TEE. But I'm on daily warfarin. But you shouldn't worry if you're in NSR.

Good luck!

Re: TEE tomorrow - how quick to recover?
April 09, 2014 12:29AM
Well I had it done today, and in spite of the fact that I didn't realize I wasn't going to be knocked out, it wasn't too bad. I was nervous because the nurse kept telling me what they were going to do, and that i would be awake so I could swallow for them, but that I would be basically out of it at the same time. I guess I was, because I have no recollection of them actually putting the tube down my throat or asking me to swallow. Felt a little woozy right afterwards, but went out to lunch with my sister about 2 hours after procedure, and was OK after that. Tired...but that's it.

Now to talk with Shannon about the results....mostly good, but a concern too. ~ Barb
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