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Proteolytic Enzyme and Xarelto Interactions???

Posted by Windstar 
Proteolytic Enzyme and Xarelto Interactions???
March 26, 2014 05:50PM
I have been researching proteoloytic enzyme supplements as two of my nutritionists said that I could benefit from their anti-inflammatory actions. I recently found out that I have 5 GAD1 homozygous gene mutations that are causing glutamate toxicity, which is contributing to my insomnia. In this methylation pathway, glutamate is supposed to convert to GABA, but the GAD1 defect doesn't allow this, causing excitotoxicity in my brain.

I started taking a very low dose of two tablets twice a day of pharmaceutical grade Marcozyme, which is similar to Wobenzym N. (The dose range is two tablets up to five tablets three times a day for Marcozyme.) Marcozyme contains pancreatin, papain, bromelain, rutin, trypsin, chromotrypsin, and magneisum, just like Wobenzym N.

I found a warning for Wobenzym N that one should consult with one's doctor before taking it if one is on an anti-coagulant drug, which Xarelto is. Since I am on 20mg of Xarelto, should I stop taking Marcozyme, or would a very low dose like four pills a day be okay? Does anyone have any experience with this?

Also, would a proteolytic enzyme supplement help heal my ablation surgery by Dr. Hongo that I had one month ago, or could it do some harm to the scars that are forming?

The Marcozyme has already helped me just in the last two nights of sleep. I usually only get 3-4 hours sleep, but after taking 2 capsules twice a day of Marcozyme for two days, I got 5 hours sleep!! I do feel more tired during the day, though. It seems to be reducing my nervous energy, which I guess is a good thing; I just have to get used to it.

Thanks much for your help.

Re: Proteolytic Enzyme and Xarelto Interactions???
March 26, 2014 07:14PM
Nancy - Why not call or email the companies making Marcozyme as well as Wobenzyme and ask someone is technical support to help with your compatibility questions?

I'm glad you were able to get some sleep but certainly, you do need to determine risks (if any) of taking the two together. That said, your nutritionists shouldn't be recommending something that they haven't researched themselves for safety or adverse drug interactions.

If you haven’t read the Conference Room sessions 4, 5 and 6 on the GABA receptors and mutations, you may find something useful there related to your own polymorphism situation… [www.afibbers.org]

I'm sure everyone will be interested in what you learn.

Best to you,
Re: Proteolytic Enzyme and Xarelto Interactions???
March 27, 2014 04:57PM

Thanks for the info on the GABA receptors. I will followup and read that. I have been doing lots of reading of Dr. Yasko's methylation articles as well as Dr. Nancy Mullan, who is a psychiatrist who has co-authored some of Dr. Yasko's articles. She has a great article I just read on "Glutamate and GABA". Dr. Mullan has a practice in Burbank, CA, about 200 miles away from me, but she is expensive. Her initial consult is $595 for 90-120 minutes, and her followup visits are $400 an hour! My nutritionist, Dr. C, said he is signing up for Dr. Ben Lynch's online video seminar this weekend called "Methylation and Clinical Nutrigenomics, Part I". It features 20 online videos. In fact, anyone can sign up for the course. The general public is only charged $95 to take the course.

I saw my new nutritionist yesterday and she will fax Dr. Hongo regarding my Xarelto. Will PM you about this.

Re: Proteolytic Enzyme and Xarelto Interactions???
April 10, 2014 01:00AM
Nancy...as I'm on Xarelto also and considering these same enzymes, I would be interested to know what you learned re: possible interactions.

Re: Proteolytic Enzyme and Xarelto Interactions???
April 11, 2014 01:42AM
Hi Barb,

I found out that there is an interaction between proteolytic enzymes and any blood thinner. I did not see a warning on the brand I bought, Marcozyme, but there was a warning on Wobenzyme, which has a very similar formula. My nutritionist said to stop taking it for now, which I have done. Many years ago, I took Wobenzyme (full dose) for three months, and it was the best I've ever felt. My total cholesterol went down to 180; right now it's at 240!! So I'm definitely going to take it again. It takes away inflammation better than anything I've ever tried!

Hope you are doing okay. I haven't been following this forum much lately as I am now learning about epigenics and reading Dr. Amy Yasko's book on gene mutation and methylation. I have so many health issues that I had my genes tested and found that I have lots of mutations causing all these issues. Now I have to work on fixing them--a very slow process that may take years.

Blessings to you,
Nancy M
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