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Still feeling Jittery; Is it the Multaq?
March 12, 2014 08:24PM
I have anxiety issues this I admit but ever since my Ablation I have felt more jittery, just uncomfortable than usual. Multaq made me feel really bad when I first started taking it back in Sept 2013 for almost a month then I got over it. I blamed it on the Multaq.

I had to stop the Multaq for 6 days before the Ablation. I felt much better "in my skin" when I was off the Multaq. They started me back on the Multaq immediately after the Ablation on Feb. 27, 2014.

I take Ativan as needed for Anxiety; generally 1 mg 3-4x a day. I am struggling with this jittery uneasy feeling. Has anyone else had issues with Multaq causing them to feel uneasy,jittery etc? The only other drug I take for my Heart is the Metoprolol ER and it is a low dose(12.5 mg 2x a day).

All my other meds I have been on for a long time.

Any suggestions I would appreciate. I am doing well overall, but this feeling of discomfort, jittery is hard to cope with at times. It maybe no more than me having major medical issues with my bladder also causing my Anxiety to be worse along with the Heart issues I have had but that is looking good IMO.


5 mg Valium a day as needed.
20 mg Prozac daily
15 mg Prevacid a day
60 cc shot of Testosterone Cypionate every 10 days. Testosterone is low due to schedule two narcotics.
.5 mg Arimidex 2x a week to keep Estrogen levels in check. T shots can cause rise in Estrogen.

100 mg Metoprolol ER 1x a day
25 mg HydroDiuril fluid pill 1x a day every 2 days.
Neurontin 900mg a day (for Neuropathic pain IC/CPPS)
800 mg of Magnesium daily . Different types
81 mg aspirin 1X a day. Heart Doctor order due to stent installed in Jan. 2012.
2.5 mg Eliquis 2X a day

Miralax 1x a day for constipation issues. I have tried so many different methods for Constipation since 2008. Fiber is in my diet but to much Fiber really Constipates me.

25 mg/hcr Fentanyl.patch changed every 2 days

1st ablation done Feb. 27, 2014 for Long term persistent AFIB Dr. Natale
2nd Ablation done June 16,2016 Dr. Natale LAA isolated

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/12/2014 08:42PM by smackman.
Re: Still feeling Jittery; Is it the Multaq?
March 13, 2014 02:33AM
HI Smackman,

Likely the Multaq, if it doesn't settle down in two weeks in similar to the time frame it did, more of less, the first time, then you should contact Dr N's nurse about a possible switch to another AAR drug for the rest of your blanking period, if Dr N feels you still could use one by then.

Just hang in there as much as possible in the meantime, though no doubt that is easier said than done. Did you get any of the topical magnesium or L-theanine yet to try and help some with relaxing?

Im not sure if Ativan has any compatibility issues with Multaq or not. Ativan 1mg taken 3 to 4 times a day is a fairly solid dose so check and see if there are any reported interactions you can find.

Best wishes and good to hear the ticker is behaving..
Re: Still feeling Jittery; Is it the Multaq?
March 13, 2014 12:58PM
Shannon Wrote:
> HI Smackman,
> Likely the Multaq, if it doesn't settle down in
> two weeks in similar to the time frame it did,
> more of less, the first time, then you should
> contact Dr N's nurse about a possible switch to
> another AAR drug for the rest of your blanking
> period, if Dr N feels you still could use one by
> then.
> Just hang in there as much as possible in the
> meantime, though no doubt that is easier said than
> done. Did you get any of the topical magnesium or
> L-theanine yet to try and help some with relaxing?
> Im not sure if Ativan has any compatibility issues
> with Multaq or not. Ativan 1mg taken 3 to 4 times
> a day is a fairly solid dose so check and see if
> there are any reported interactions you can find.
> Best wishes and good to hear the ticker is
> behaving..
> Shannon

I tried the L-theanine ; Did not help me. I will look at ordering the topical magnesium. I think I just have Anxiety. I have been through a lot in the last 3 years Health wise. I am only 2 weeks post Ablation. Even though I am doing well, I still am "anticipating with great hope" that my AFIB is gone.

Also the Interstitial Cystitis has been flaring since the procedure probably due to the anesthesia and the fluids that my body consumed during the Ablation. My bladder is really sensitive even though it is much better than a year ago. If only this bladder issue would go away I would be 90% better. Its a chronic disorder I did not ask for and it takes a toll on the mental man in me.

Here is a drug interaction report which my Physicians are aware of. I take a small dose of Elavil (10 mg 1x at night). I also temporarily stopped the Lipitor 3 days ago to see if this was causing me issues with my bladder after reading some reports on the Web.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2014 01:00PM by smackman.
Re: Still feeling Jittery; Is it the Multaq?
March 13, 2014 07:15PM
Hi Snackman,

I find that 12.5mg of metoprolol twice a day makes me jittery. After my surgery, Dr. Hongo put me back on this. He said I could take 25mg twice a day if I wanted, or take less. I started out on 12.5mg twice a day, and it would wear off about 5-6 hrs after taking it, and I would get jittery. So I starting taking 12.5mg three times a day, and the jitteriness went away. I take it at 6AM, 2PM, and 10PM now. Of course, I will need to go off it some time in the near future, so will be back to the lower dose, but at least for now I don't have to suffer. You might ask Dr. N about this dose to see if it helps.

Re: Still feeling Jittery; Is it the Multaq?
March 13, 2014 08:22PM
Windstar Wrote:
> Hi Snackman,
> I find that 12.5mg of metoprolol twice a day makes
> me jittery. After my surgery, Dr. Hongo put me
> back on this. He said I could take 25mg twice a
> day if I wanted, or take less. I started out on
> 12.5mg twice a day, and it would wear off about
> 5-6 hrs after taking it, and I would get jittery.
> So I starting taking 12.5mg three times a day, and
> the jitteriness went away. I take it at 6AM, 2PM,
> and 10PM now. Of course, I will need to go off it
> some time in the near future, so will be back to
> the lower dose, but at least for now I don't have
> to suffer. You might ask Dr. N about this dose to
> see if it helps.
> Blessings,
> Nancy

Will this significantly lower my heart rate? My sitting heart rate is 55 - 60 bpm. My blood pressure is close to normal (approx 135/80) without the metoprolol ER. I do believe what you are saying is a big possibility.

What I believe you are saying is the metoprolol ER is getting out of my system to quick because of the low dosage.
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