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Quercetin question
March 10, 2014 04:43PM
Does anyone take Quercetin? Quercetin is suppose to be a heart healthy supplement + I would use it for the anti inflammatory properties for my Chronic bladder infection also. I have read where many say they have good results with using Quercetin for Interstitial Cystitis and for lowering there LDL.

I want to stop Lipitor. My Cardiologist will not be happy if I do but Lipitor seems to be a bad drug. I take 10 mg a day. My last physical in Jan 2013 showed my LDL at 142 and my total cholesterol at 236. I was not on Lipitor at that time or any type of drug for cholesterol.

Looking for answers. Thanks in advance
Re: Quercetin question
March 11, 2014 12:28AM
Quercetin is fine Smackman,
Im not entirely sure of its associated interaction with respect to Xeralto or the other NOACs, but do some Google searches and see if any actual specific issues have been reported between the two. Don't worry so much about some laundry list of possible interactions that some one reports simply out of throwing in the whole kitchen sink of what might or might not have an issue.

Just focus on any actual reported interactions. It is a potent antioxidant and anti-infammatory and immune booster as well.

Glad to hear things are going so well!

Re: Quercetin question
March 13, 2014 07:20PM
Hi Snackman,

I took quercetin for a few days and had to stop because it interacted with my hormones and caused hot flashes that woke me up, but then my body is totally out of whack. Just make sure it doesn't have blood thinning properties since you are on Xarelto.

Nancy M
Re: Quercetin question
March 13, 2014 08:25PM
Windstar Wrote:
> Hi Snackman,
> I took quercetin for a few days and had to stop
> because it interacted with my hormones and caused
> hot flashes that woke me up, but then my body is
> totally out of whack. Just make sure it doesn't
> have blood thinning properties since you are on
> Xarelto.
> Nancy M

It does have a minor interaction with Coumidin But nothing shows up with Xarelto on my drug check interaction at drugs.com

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