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D day!

Posted by tsco 
D day!
February 25, 2014 01:50AM
Well the time is at hand. Did all my pre testing today. Ablation at 9 am in morning! Off flecainide since last Wednesday with o episodes and actually performed chores etc with better feeling as the flec side effect for me is LBBB at low rate. My transmission on car went out coming back from hospital and a couple other negative things so I find myself wondering if someone is trying to tell me something......like "don't do it!" So even thru this stress and no flec and performing some taxing chores...no afib! What the Heck is going on here? Man this is making me second guess my decision. I want to thank Shannon and all of you who have contributed here it has helped me get to this point. Anyone that wants to "shove" me off the gang plank feel free as I am very apprehensive.
Re: D day!
February 25, 2014 01:56AM
Bon voyage Tsco and you will do fine! the car thing is telling you nothing but that its time to fix your car right after you get your heart fixed.
This is the period just before a first ablation call the willy's where the reptilian brain takes over for a bit with fight or flight issues that are nothing more than a chicken running around without a head trying to figure out if the sky is really falling.

Don't listen to it, watch a nice movie and hit the hay early.

Its just taking a big step toward a quieter heart long term.

No worries and best wishes!
Re: D day!
February 25, 2014 02:03AM
Thanks Shannon and if that Tomassoni video you view this week at your conference is male and 52 years old. It's me! Have fun and thanks for the support
Re: D day!
February 25, 2014 02:58AM
Will do, I'll try to take a snapshot with my Iphone of your procedure!

Enjoy dreamland with the Propofol tomorrow!
Re: D day!
February 25, 2014 03:19AM

The very same thing has happened to me. I went off my metoprolol and have had a very quiet heart overall, though have had some tach off and on. It made me wonder what was going on! But I definitely am going through with my ablation on Thursday. I know the heart can be quiet for a long time and then start acting up again out of the blue. Hang in there and stick with the surgery. You'll be glad in the long run.

You will be in my prayers all day tomorrow and through recovery. May the Lord guide the surgeon's hands and give you quick healing.

Nancy M
Re: D day!
February 25, 2014 06:36AM
Best of luck to you too Nancy, it seems like this is ablation
week around here with you, Smackman and Tsco all jumping over the fence to greener pastures this week! You are in very good hands too and it will soon be over before you know it.

Will be thinking of you too Nancy on Thursday while I'm watching Smackman's ablation live in Austin and Tscos recorded from today, Tuesday, that will be shown to us a little later on Thursday late morning.

Be well and take it easy!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2014 11:33PM by Shannon.
Re: D day!
February 25, 2014 12:05PM
Thank you nancy I will also pray for you. I hope we all can find peace!
Re: D day!
February 25, 2014 02:11PM
My D DAY is Thursday. Good Luck; Praying for a total success!
Re: D day!
February 25, 2014 03:05PM
Tsco, Smackman, Nancy,

Good luck to all of you this week! I'll be praying for you!

Re: D day!
February 25, 2014 07:43PM
Tsco, Smackman, Nancy,

I'm sure I speak for all the UK contingent wishing you all the best of luck in the upcoming days.

It really is a big week for our little group!

Am very much looking forward to hearing about all of your successes winking smiley

Thoughts and prayers with you all,

Re: D day!
February 25, 2014 10:34PM
Go for the gold, you all!

Re: D day!
February 25, 2014 10:40PM
Good luck all of you ! Take it easy !
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