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Miralax used with Multaq cause irregular Heart beat?
February 17, 2014 09:54PM
I am having irregular heart beats again. I took Miralax last night. It seems that Miralax in combination with Multaq could cause Heart palpitation/irregular heart beats.

The last time I had heart palpitations I could have taken Miralax then also. I have not used Miralax in months before this because I eat a high fiber diet to prevent constipation but this was my birthday weekend.

Anyone else had issues with Miralax and heart Palpitations or irregular heart beats?



Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2014 09:58PM by smackman.
Re: Miralax used with Multaq cause irregular Heart beat?
February 19, 2014 03:41PM
Hi Smackman,

I am ill-equipped to be giving advice because I am also a relative newbie; but just a couple of thoughts I had while reading your post.

I was on Multaq for about a year and it didn't seem to do anything about my irregular heart rate -- so after reading about it and the possible side effects, I quite taking it. I don't have afib the way it is described here (I've never gone to the emergency room -- it was discovered during a routine exam), so I am not on any heart medications. This was my decision and I didn't even tell the Dr. I'm not suggesting you go off it, but maybe inquire about alternatives.

Also, do you take any magnesium? It is part of The Strategy, and according to this site, most people who have afib have a magnesium deficiency on a cellular level. The reason it also might help you is that if you start taking it in even a low dose, I doubt you will have any problem with constipation again!

Re: Miralax used with Multaq cause irregular Heart beat?
February 19, 2014 11:17PM
Louise Wrote:
> Hi Smackman,
> I am ill-equipped to be giving advice because I am
> also a relative newbie; but just a couple of
> thoughts I had while reading your post.
> I was on Multaq for about a year and it didn't
> seem to do anything about my irregular heart rate
> -- so after reading about it and the possible side
> effects, I quite taking it. I don't have afib the
> way it is described here (I've never gone to the
> emergency room -- it was discovered during a
> routine exam), so I am not on any heart
> medications. This was my decision and I didn't
> even tell the Dr. I'm not suggesting you go off
> it, but maybe inquire about alternatives.
> Also, do you take any magnesium? It is part of
> The Strategy, and according to this site, most
> people who have afib have a magnesium deficiency
> on a cellular level. The reason it also might
> help you is that if you start taking it in even a
> low dose, I doubt you will have any problem with
> constipation again!
> Louise

I do not currently do "The Strategy." I do drink The MoM water or Wallerwater; I drink at least 1/2 gallon a day.
These palpitations do not hurt; I admit I am nervous over the upcoming Ablation in Austin Texas on Feb.27.

My anxiety is high; I am concerned about coming off Multaq and Metoprolol ER. If I go into AFIB I hope and pray my heart rate does not zoom up high. My 1st bout with AFIB, My Heart rate would go above 200 bpm.We have a 8 hour drive to Austin and I do not want to be traveling with a extreme high heart rate. I have regular Metoprolol to take if needed to bring my heart rate down but I do not know if that would be acceptable.....
Re: Miralax used with Multaq cause irregular Heart beat?
February 19, 2014 11:47PM
Hi Smackman,
To ease your anxiety, just call you Nurse practitioner assigned to you in Austin and tell her exactly what your fear is... That on the long drive from Moneie LA to Austin while off all cardiac control drugs you might flip
Into a high speed AfIB within only a couple days of you ablation and ask if that happens what dose of regular immediate release Metoprolol could I take just to prevent the possibility of my heart zooming to 200bpm which it did esy in my AFIB career when I wasn't in any drugs either??"

That's a perfectly reasonable question and its better you get the answer from them since its DrN and his staff that will be fixing you up very shortly anyway.

On a further supportive note, let me reassure you that nothing bad is going to happen between now and you getting on that table in Austin where all will be fine then too. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and trust that your imaginings of what 'might' happen are far more vivid and overblown than what any reasonable likelihood of anything actually happening. Even if you trigger into AFIB, I'm sure you will find it isn't the end of the world inspite of the hassle and not any fun temporary feelings. Just look at it, in the unlikely event it does get going quickly, as a friendly reminder and reinforcing motivation for why you are driving to Aystin to get an ablation to begin with!

And remember too 'this too shall pass ... And very quickly too ... once Dr N has your heart in his eminently skilled hands in very short order.

Get some Topical Magnesium oil too to bring with you and spray it on, rub it in and take a good soak in a warm, but not too hot, full bath for 30 minutes with 8 ounces of Magneium oil Liquid poured in the tube and that should also help settle things down a little anyway..

Most of all, try not to listen too much to that little voice chirping on your shoulder about all the 'what ifs' and such between now and then, I know that can be easier said than done, but truly 90% of what the 'anxiety voice' whispering in our ear at such times is trying to sell us is a load of cheap goods. Nevetheless, getting clear instruction from Dr Natale's nurse in charge of your case is a good idea and will help calm those unknowns.

Best wishes, you're going to do fine.
Re: Miralax used with Multaq cause irregular Heart beat?
February 20, 2014 01:00AM
Shannon Wrote:
> Hi Smackman,
> To ease your anxiety, just call you Nurse
> practitioner assigned to you in Austin and tell
> her exactly what your fear is... That on the long
> drive from Moneie LA to Austin while off all
> cardiac control drugs you might flip
> Into a high speed AfIB within only a couple days
> of you ablation and ask if that happens what dose
> of regular immediate release Metoprolol could I
> take just to prevent the possibility of my heart
> zooming to 200bpm which it did esy in my AFIB
> career when I wasn't in any drugs either??"
> That's a perfectly reasonable question and its
> better you get the answer from them since its DrN
> and his staff that will be fixing you up very
> shortly anyway.
> On a further supportive note, let me reassure you
> that nothing bad is going to happen between now
> and you getting on that table in Austin where all
> will be fine then too. Just keep putting one foot
> in front of the other and trust that your
> imaginings of what 'might' happen are far more
> vivid and overblown than what any reasonable
> likelihood of anything actually happening. Even if
> you trigger into AFIB, I'm sure you will find it
> isn't the end of the world inspite of the hassle
> and not any fun temporary feelings. Just look at
> it, in the unlikely event it does get going
> quickly, as a friendly reminder and reinforcing
> motivation for why you are driving to Aystin to
> get an ablation to begin with!
> And remember too 'this too shall pass ... And very
> quickly too ... once Dr N has your heart in his
> eminently skilled hands in very short order.
> Get some Topical Magnesium oil too to bring with
> you and spray it on, rub it in and take a good
> soak in a warm, but not too hot, full bath for 30
> minutes with 8 ounces of Magneium oil Liquid
> poured in the tube and that should also help
> settle things down a little anyway..
> Most of all, try not to listen too much to that
> little voice chirping on your shoulder about all
> the 'what ifs' and such between now and then, I
> know that can be easier said than done, but truly
> 90% of what the 'anxiety voice' whispering in our
> ear at such times is trying to sell us is a load
> of cheap goods. Nevetheless, getting clear
> instruction from Dr Natale's nurse in charge of
> your case is a good idea and will help calm those
> unknowns.
> Best wishes, you're going to do fine.
> Shannon

Thanks Shannon for the support; I will call the Nurse tomorrow. I realize I am "over thinking" this causing me Higher than normal Anxiety. This time next week, I will be in Austin getting ready for 7:30 AM surgery the next morning. Once again Thanks a million.
Re: Miralax used with Multaq cause irregular Heart beat?
February 20, 2014 02:03PM
Smackman, when are you actually getting on the road next week?
Re: Miralax used with Multaq cause irregular Heart beat?
February 20, 2014 05:54PM
Randy Wrote:
> Smackman, when are you actually getting on the
> road next week?

We will leave Wednesday Feb. 26 and be in Austin around 4 PM. My Ablation is 7:30AM the next day. I have to be at St Davids Medical Center at 5 AM.
Re: Miralax used with Multaq cause irregular Heart beat?
February 20, 2014 05:59PM
Shannon Wrote:
> Hi Smackman,
> To ease your anxiety, just call you Nurse
> practitioner assigned to you in Austin and tell
> her exactly what your fear is... That on the long
> drive from Moneie LA to Austin while off all
> cardiac control drugs you might flip
> Into a high speed AfIB within only a couple days
> of you ablation and ask if that happens what dose
> of regular immediate release Metoprolol could I
> take just to prevent the possibility of my heart
> zooming to 200bpm which it did esy in my AFIB
> career when I wasn't in any drugs either??"
> That's a perfectly reasonable question and its
> better you get the answer from them since its DrN
> and his staff that will be fixing you up very
> shortly anyway.
> On a further supportive note, let me reassure you
> that nothing bad is going to happen between now
> and you getting on that table in Austin where all
> will be fine then too. Just keep putting one foot
> in front of the other and trust that your
> imaginings of what 'might' happen are far more
> vivid and overblown than what any reasonable
> likelihood of anything actually happening. Even if
> you trigger into AFIB, I'm sure you will find it
> isn't the end of the world inspite of the hassle
> and not any fun temporary feelings. Just look at
> it, in the unlikely event it does get going
> quickly, as a friendly reminder and reinforcing
> motivation for why you are driving to Aystin to
> get an ablation to begin with!
> And remember too 'this too shall pass ... And very
> quickly too ... once Dr N has your heart in his
> eminently skilled hands in very short order.
> Get some Topical Magnesium oil too to bring with
> you and spray it on, rub it in and take a good
> soak in a warm, but not too hot, full bath for 30
> minutes with 8 ounces of Magneium oil Liquid
> poured in the tube and that should also help
> settle things down a little anyway..
> Most of all, try not to listen too much to that
> little voice chirping on your shoulder about all
> the 'what ifs' and such between now and then, I
> know that can be easier said than done, but truly
> 90% of what the 'anxiety voice' whispering in our
> ear at such times is trying to sell us is a load
> of cheap goods. Nevetheless, getting clear
> instruction from Dr Natale's nurse in charge of
> your case is a good idea and will help calm those
> unknowns.
> Best wishes, you're going to do fine.
> Shannon

I called the Nurse. She told me I could take the Metoprolol ER the day I travel. She also told me I could take regular Metoprolol if I go into AFIB to keep my heart rate at a descent rate. The Multaq is the one I must stop which I understand.
This makes me feel better. Obviously she said they would rather for me to be in AFIB upon arrival but I have to be comfortable also with my heart rate and watch my BP using the Metoprolol.

Thanks for the "heads up".
Re: Miralax used with Multaq cause irregular Heart beat?
February 20, 2014 09:20PM
Thanks for the report back Smackman.

I figured your Nurse at Dr Natale's office would confirm the good news for you about the immediate release Metoprolol, but its always best that kind of specific comes from your EPs office when you have a procedure up coming. Metoprolol in the immediate release form is very unlikely to prevent an EP from being able to easily trigger AFIB when they want to during the ablation, nor is it likely to over suppress any other latent triggers under isoproterenol challenge, which I know Dr N uses.
The time released form is less advisable and try not to take any Metoprolol the last 12 hours or so before the actual ablation is you can hold out that long as so long as you are not clipping along at 200bpm for that last night before the whole thing will change for you for the better.

Otherwise, you should have no more worries about triggering when you stop the Multaq, if you even do trigger which may not happen at all. Yes stay in AFIB if you flip into it, as its one less step DR N has to go through in the procedure.

Re: Miralax used with Multaq cause irregular Heart beat?
February 20, 2014 10:57PM
Shannon Wrote:
> Thanks for the report back Smackman.
> I figured your Nurse at Dr Natale's office would
> confirm the good news for you about the immediate
> release Metoprolol, but its always best that kind
> of specific comes from your EPs office when you
> have a procedure up coming. Metoprolol in the
> immediate release form is very unlikely to prevent
> an EP from being able to easily trigger AFIB when
> they want to during the ablation, nor is it likely
> to over suppress any other latent triggers under
> isoproterenol challenge, which I know Dr N uses.
> The time released form is less advisable and try
> not to take any Metoprolol the last 12 hours or so
> before the actual ablation is you can hold out
> that long as so long as you are not clipping along
> at 200bpm for that last night before the whole
> thing will change for you for the better.
> Otherwise, you should have no more worries about
> triggering when you stop the Multaq, if you even
> do trigger which may not happen at all. Yes stay
> in AFIB if you flip into it, as its one less step
> DR N has to go through in the procedure.
> Cheers!
> Shannon

Once again Thanks a million! I accidentally ran across this website googling about Cather Ablations 2 months ago. It has been such a asset; Heck, I would have already been Ablated Jan. 14 but the power of experience and knowledge from this forum has lead me to one of the Best EP's in the world concerning AFIB and Cather Ablation especially being in the Persistent stage.
I will be in contact as I go to Austin next week to regain my life back.
Re: Miralax used with Multaq cause irregular Heart beat?
February 21, 2014 06:04PM
Hi Smackman.

Please check your PM as Id like to get some more contact info for you. As it turns out, I am coming to Austin next week to attend the very interesting EP-Live 2014 conference that just so happens to be starting on the very same day as your procedure so I can drop in and check on how things are going after your procedure if you'd like a little company that is?

Anyway, check you PM and get back to me.
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