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What to expect at Dr Natale consultation
January 20, 2014 11:11PM
What should I expect at my consultation with Dr Natale tomorrow? One lady I talked to yesterday said it would last a half day. Just wondering what to expect.
The wife and I are in Austin staying overnight for my appointment tomorrow.

5 mg Valium a day as needed.
20 mg Prozac daily
15 mg Prevacid a day
60 cc shot of Testosterone Cypionate every 10 days. Testosterone is low due to schedule two narcotics.
.5 mg Arimidex 2x a week to keep Estrogen levels in check. T shots can cause rise in Estrogen.

100 mg Metoprolol ER 1x a day
25 mg HydroDiuril fluid pill 1x a day every 2 days.
Neurontin 900mg a day (for Neuropathic pain IC/CPPS)
800 mg of Magnesium daily . Different types
81 mg aspirin 1X a day. Heart Doctor order due to stent installed in Jan. 2012.
2.5 mg Eliquis 2X a day

Miralax 1x a day for constipation issues. I have tried so many different methods for Constipation since 2008. Fiber is in my diet but to much Fiber really Constipates me.

25 mg/hcr Fentanyl.patch changed every 2 days

1st ablation done Feb. 27, 2014 for Long term persistent AFIB Dr. Natale
2nd Ablation done June 16,2016 Dr. Natale LAA isolated
Re: What to expect at Dr Natale consultation
January 21, 2014 01:06AM
Glad you made it to Austin. I was there last month. I don't recall it quite taking a half day. First was an EKG with a tech. Then most of the time was spent with Dr. Natale's nurses who took some history and did some patient education. Total time with Dr. Natale was only about 20 minutes. Have your questions prepared and record or take notes. I imagine length of total visit varies; I'm guessing mine was less than 2 hours. Good luck and as others have said, Dr. Natale is easy to talk to. If his accent gets in the way, ask him to repeat.
Re: What to expect at Dr Natale consultation
January 22, 2014 02:26AM
That's quite the drug cocktail!!!

Lone paroxysmal vagal atrial fibrillation. Age 62, female, no risk factors. Autonomic instability since severe Paxil withdrawal in 2004, including extreme sensitivity to neuro-active drugs, supplements, foods. Monthly tachycardia started 1/11, happened only at night, during sleep, or when waking, bouts of 5-15 hours. Changed to afib about a year ago, same pattern. Frequency increased over last 6 months, apparently with sensitivity to more triggers. Ablation 6/27/13 by Steven Hao.
Re: What to expect at Dr Natale consultation
January 22, 2014 06:33PM
Iatrogenia Wrote:
> That's quite the drug cocktail!!!

Yes it is. I have been diagnosed with AFIB, Interstitial Cystitis, and I have chronic back pain from a motor vehicle incident in 2003. I hate taking all those medications. The Ativan helps my IC and Anxiety.
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