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vagally-mediated afib and coffe
December 31, 2013 08:38AM
Can a vagal afibber take coffe?
Re: vagally-mediated afib and coffe
December 31, 2013 02:06PM

For many of us though we were predominantly Vagal or Adrenergic, prior to successful completion of an ablation process by a skilled ablationist, are also prone to mixed bag of triggers that include both Vagal and Adrenergic overstimulation. Not that often does one remain exclusive one or the other for their entire AFIB life. Caffeine for very many is among the top two to three triggers along with alcohol over doing too strenuous exercise, particular aerobic, but also using excessive weights in resistance exercise.

As such, the safest bet is pure trigger avoidance as much as you possibly can, particularly when your AFIB is still prone to triggering. Adopting a good nutrient rich organic diet and including The Strategy protocol linked to in the AFIB Resources tab above on this page can really help quiet things done for many for a very long time when practices religiously.

Re: vagally-mediated afib and coffe
January 01, 2014 10:13PM
Some have found that organic coffee is OK for them, non-organic a trigger.
Re: vagally-mediated afib and coffe
January 02, 2014 03:55PM
Enrique - as George mentions organic may be okay for you. Coffee beans are among the most highly contaminated with pesticides and fungicides and drinking organic... eliminates that exposure. Whether you can trust that restaurants or cafes really do use organic beans is another issue.... but if you make it at home, then you know for sure.

For others the caffeine can be too stimulating so maybe try decafe organic?

Re: vagally-mediated afib and coffe
January 03, 2014 05:27AM
There is something else to consider about coffee besides being a direct trigger. Coffee has the effect of "hurrying" food through your digestive tract and allowing less absorption. If you consider that many afibbers have malabsorption of key nutrients, coffee could be implicated. Also coffee, whether it is decaf or regular, is very acidic.
Re: vagally-mediated afib and coffe
January 03, 2014 05:45AM
Coffee has heart healthy properties, can protect against heart rhythm disturbances


protects against type 2 diabetes too which is not good for afibbers, highest in antioxidants


High in potassium too


I love my coffee in the morning

All in moderation, we are an experiment of one


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2014 06:04AM by McHale.
Re: vagally-mediated afib and coffe
January 03, 2014 05:10PM
Echo McHale here - I can take coffee (Nespresso mainly but any instant or cafe bought is fine) as a VLAFer but that's just me. You will need to test and eliminate.


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