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December 16, 2013 11:49PM
I am having an infected tooth extracted and may need to go on antibiotics. Can you advise which antibiotic is least likely to cause an afib reaction?
Anonymous User
Re: antibiotics
December 17, 2013 11:01AM
i am, i guess, a pretty tough old bird, but no antibiotic i have ever taken has triggered any afib. I am allergic to penicillin, though.

Recently i took a course of azithromycin for the bronchitis that my own doctors always say they cannot treat because it is a virus. The hospital emergency room i went to did not mention the word virus. They used the word bronchitis and gave me azithromycin, which began to affect this sickness immediately. But by that time this infection, whatever it may have been, had put me into afib. To be very clear, the afib began before i had even seen the antibiotic, so the antibiotic did not trigger the afib.

Incidentally, this was a much better hospital than the place that calls itself by that name in my own small city. These doctors did not bother with the usual pointless diltiazem routine, but at once suggested cardioversion. I was a little scared at first, having never had one before, but it was no big deal. I went to sleep [propofol] in afib and awoke to sweet NSR. Thank you, modern medicine.

Re: antibiotics
December 17, 2013 01:52PM
Thanks PeggyM for reply. I wish that was my case as well. I actually started to take amoxycillin, just a half a capsule to see if it would affect me. ( I haven't taken antibiotics for over 20 years and afib started last 10 years). Within 20 minutes afib started. Luckily attack ended after a few hours. Now nervous about taking anything else blind.
Anonymous User
Re: antibiotics
December 18, 2013 03:48AM
Hello dwhite. That reaction to the amoxicillin sounds to me [no doctor, to be sure] like a sensitivity to penicillin-type drugs Anything that ends in -cillin is a relative of penicillin, and penicillin is notorious for causing allergic reactions. Sometimes people die from them. If your dentist prescribes amoxicillin or any -cillin named drug then tell her/him about that experience and i am sure s/he will decide to use something else. Best to you in this and all things.

Peggy M
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