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Topical Magnesium/Magnesium Oil Question
December 11, 2013 05:58PM
Just wondering...

I've read many posts on here about using magnesium oil, which is a topical supplement. I'm curious how many here use a topical magnesium of any sort? And, I wonder how well it actually gets absorbed into the body through the skin. From all of my knowledge and learning about use of topical supplements, I have learned that most are not well absorbed transdermally, and need a carrier to get them through the skin.

DMSO is said to be a good carrier for any transdermal supplements. There are others but I don't know as much about them so I only mention DMSO.
I would tend to think too, that molecule size would be the the biggest determining factor for such absorption. I don't know how large magnesium molecules are though.

Have any users of topical magnesium on this board had any tests done such as the EXA test to determine if the topical magnesium does in fact raise the serum or tissue levels of magnesium? Do any of you use a carrier with it?

Re: Topical Magnesium/Magnesium Oil Question
December 11, 2013 06:13PM
Rosie - The the topical or transdermal delivery of magnesium 'oil' or gel definitely works.. and quickly. I've used it for muscle tension and the response is very rapid. You can read more on the properties and use of the magnesium oil here. You don't need DMSO.

Magnesium Absorption and Assimilation

Foot soaks and bathing in a tub of Epsom Salts (magnesium sulfate) also offer effective and efficient transdermal delivery.

I have not had an Exatest that directly correlated with the topical applications but the first test was deficient magnesium and the second, most recently, was still on the low side of the normal range...even with what I had felt was optimal dosing... pointing out that (for me), I need to maximize dosing continually.

Re: Topical Magnesium/Magnesium Oil Question
December 11, 2013 06:36PM
Thanks Jackie, but that article doesn't refer specifically to magnesium oil absorption, other than this sentence:

"Transdermal delivery – ie, topical or through the skin
(dermis) offers a highly efficient delivery of magnesium and has been reported as helping afibbers
who’ve used the topical Magnesium Chloride Oil."

The rest is about oral forms absorbed through the gut. I did purchase some magnesium oil to use. Just wondering if it's actually getting through the skin and into the bloodstream. Without good testing before and after I have no way of knowing except to go by the experience of others.
Re: Topical Magnesium/Magnesium Oil Question
December 11, 2013 08:11PM
There are links in my post in this thread to a transdermal epsom salt study. <[www.afibbers.org]

I don't typically use transdermal, as it is much more of a hassle than oral, but I have and I have recommended to friends and it is effective. Also, there is a link to the autism group on using transdermal epsom salt. The sulfate is important for those people.

I use the chloride orally and sometimes transdermally - mostly if I've done a very hard day physically. Like a hauling a 70 pound pack for 8-12 hours.

Anonymous User
Re: Topical Magnesium/Magnesium Oil Question
December 11, 2013 08:18PM
I have used it and it did not seem to do anything for me. I have also used natural calm magnesium and have also taken pills and the effect has been nothing what so ever for me even after taking heavy doses. Some slight diarreha did occur but other than that, nothing, of course with the oil you get none of that because it goes directly into the body. I still have a bottle at home and have not used any for a while.I understand it works great for some and that would be the recommended best way to get magnesium into the cells.
Re: Topical Magnesium/Magnesium Oil Question
December 12, 2013 04:46PM

I take 450 mg of magnesium orally daily and I also rub magnesium oil into my skin. I have not had tests done (this is totally financial for me -- I would love to get an EXA test, but...) Anyway, I am certain that the magnesium oil is getting into my system. I saw an almost instant (couple of days) improvement in the bursitis in my shoulder. I actually rub it into my shoulders and low back because that is where I feel muscle aches, but I believe magnesium will "go where it is needed" when applied transdermally.

I use LifeFlo, which I get at this site's vitamin store. It say 4 sprays = 66mg of elemental magnesium or 560 mg per teaspoon. It lasts a long time and you could rub it all over, although it does cause me some initial itching, which goes away in about 20 minutes. Also, if you apply moisturizer or sunscreen over it, the salts that remain on your skin will "ball up," like little white pieces of cotton on your skin. After a few minutes, you can "brush" them off with a paper towel. (Probably more info than you needed, but... smiling smiley

Re: Topical Magnesium/Magnesium Oil Question
December 12, 2013 10:50PM
I add Dead Sea Salts to my hot tub. The mg in it is Magnesium Chloride. It also contains potassium. I change the water quarterly and add it in at that time, and occasionally add more if I need to add water due to splash out.


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Re: Topical Magnesium/Magnesium Oil Question
December 12, 2013 11:14PM
Rosie ..... sorry, I thought I remembered that report detailed the rapidity of absorption. The recorded seminar from which I summarized some of the notes indicated that Dr. Burford-Mason would have patients (in-office) apply the topical magnesium gel and then they'd time the observations of relaxation from muscle pain or tension...or overall general sense of calm. I recall that results often were noted in as little as 20 minutes.

I've only tested it on sore muscles and I can confirm that in about 20 minutes, there is relief. I use the gel form as the spray-on is diluted with water and I see no sense to paying for a watered-down product.

The topical approach is an advantage for those who really don't tolerate oral dosing even using the better-tolerated form of the amino acid chelated magnesium glycinate by the Albion patented process.

I do have experience with Epsom Salts baths and foot soaks and the relaxation effect of that is huge. Definitely there is an increase in absorption of magnesium but I have no experience with any formal measurement for uptake comparisons and oral.

Re: Topical Magnesium/Magnesium Oil Question
December 13, 2013 01:58AM

Quantifying, beyond what is in the epsom salt study would be hard, with out a lot of data. Here is an n=1 story. My friend said when she went home at night and took off her shoes, her toes curled under from cramping. I suggested an immediate fix with a supersaturated solution (just enough water to dissolve the crystals) of mag sulfate (epsom salt) as described here <[www.enzymestuff.com] on her feet. Then, I also suggested starting taking oral mag to bowel tolerance. The transdermal epsom salts provided immediate (well 20 minutes, like Jackie said) relief. She then started taking the oral mag the next day. After some days (I don't recall how long), she no longer needed the transdermal. The oral mag was enough. That was 5 or 6 years ago. She continues with the oral mag and only uses the transdermal when she does large amounts of exercise, which depletes her mag even more (like all day cross country hut to hut skiing with a pack at high (10,000-13,000') elevation. Then she uses the transdermal mag in addition. Subsequently, I gave her a bag of my mag chloride crystals (nigari) to make mag oil (again, a supersaturate solution of mag chloride and water that feels like "oil" but is not) from. She generally uses that instead of mag sulphate now, but both work.

Re: Topical Magnesium/Magnesium Oil Question
December 13, 2013 06:25PM
The form I like the most is called Magnesium Infusion and it is a special form of Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate and it is claimed to be around 30+ % absorbable and each spray = 20mg of Magnesium.

I spray 25 sprays on my chest and torso after showering in the AM and after a quick shower before bed. Rub it in good for 30 seconds and it absorbs much faster than Ancient Minerals topical Magnesium which is my next best liked brand.

Magnesium Infusion does not leave a sticky residue at all which is very nice as it so quickly and full absorbs thanks to the hexahydrate form.

You can buy it in multiple smaller 125ml bottle of in 500ml larger bottles and then use those larger ones to refill the smaller spray bottles.

Re: Topical Magnesium/Magnesium Oil Question
January 12, 2022 01:24AM
I really like the Magnesium Spray's because they gently absorb into the skin, with no stinging or staining of the skin. It works great for pain relief and the smell of the essential oils is beautiful.
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