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Success Stories
November 17, 2013 06:24PM
Would someone please remind me how to access the compendium of success stories. Thanks
Re: Success Stories
November 17, 2013 07:52PM
Anonymous User
Re: Success Stories
November 20, 2013 11:33PM
It is my belief that cleaning the gut and getting rid of excess acids are the root of the problem.Excess acids can be eliminated with sodium bentonite clay.All the supplements in the world do absolutely nothing until that is addressed and I speak from experience.
Re: Success Stories
November 20, 2013 11:51PM
Ron - thanks for emphasizing that. It's true. That was one of the first assessments I had years ago when I started with my FM MD. Probiotics are also essential for most as well.

Re: Success Stories
November 23, 2013 02:08AM
I have just 'restarted' my probiotics; one AM and one PM. I can 'feel' my gut is not right. And if nothing else hope this will aid in avoiding skipped beats and give me a better night of sleep.

In the meantime, my TIKOSYN side effects remain. "Balloon head" in the morning as if I am looking for my third cup of espresso coffee. Fatigue in the morning. And for some months now I have had a phenomenon that I can only describe as a feeling of mild electricity coursing through my upper body albeit very minimally... it wakes me up every day at 4:30 to 5:00 a.m. regardless of when I go to sleep. It almost feels like a very, very mild 'trembling' inside, while my hand held out before me is steady as a rock. But I digress.

I have slid 'off the wagon' and need to get back on the track. So, the supplements will be presorted for the week in advance so I don't have to fiddle. And the probiotic beads will be in there. Wondering if I can get an Rx from the family physician for probiotics that might be covered by insurance. This supplementation is getting crazy expensive. Going to ask about CO Q10 as well. Fortunately, our new family MD is very easy going.

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
Re: Success Stories
November 23, 2013 05:15AM
I think probiotics should be taken on an empty stomach - first thing in the morning and let them settle. Once a day is enough, with a really good quality strain. Possibly even better is a few mouthfuls of saurekraut - not cooked, pasteurized, or preserved in any way. While you are settling down your troubled stomach, digestive enzymes with each meal might help.
Re: Success Stories
November 23, 2013 07:37PM
A ginger capsule with each meal works for me.
Re: Success Stories
November 24, 2013 08:12PM
RonB... the directives for taking probiotics typically seem to be at bedtime on an empty stomach... that way you have (hopefully) a full 8 hours 'on empty' before taking in more food so the probiotics can reach the intestinal tract and begin working before being mixed with a barrage of food or liquids.

The fermented food suggestion is always a good adjunct to for adding lactobacillus, but unfortunately, to make sauerkraut, you have to add salt. I'm not sure if it's possible to reduce the amount of salt typically required and still get the same fermentation results. When I eat sauerkraut, I usually soak or rinse to help remove some of the salt but obviously, not all will be removed. My store has a bulk variety which is good, but I'm very cautious about the sodium intake.

I always take a digestive enzyme with any meal or snack even though I don't have digestive issues. The two I've found useful are Essential Enzymes from Source Naturals and for protein-containing meals, I add NOW Super Enzymes that contain betaine HCl or just take a separate betaine HCl. Both are available through the iHerb link here. My FM MD says that most people don't get enough pancreatin and recommends a separate supplement of a high- count pancreatin combination blend as well. The ones she sells are pricey so I use 2 of 8X Natural Factors Zymeactive to get the Pancreatin with protein meals.


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