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Can one take too much nattokinase
November 07, 2013 11:36AM
I currently take an enzyme Nattovita per my drs. Instruction. It contains 1500iu of nattokinase. I take it 2x per day. I have also added Jarrows nattokinase 2 x per day which is 2000iu per dose. If I remember correctly my last blood work showed my fibroginin level to be 350 and that was before adding the jarrow product.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/07/2013 11:38AM by Lynn.
Re: Can one take too much nattokinase
November 07, 2013 02:20PM
Lynn - Your total NK intake is 7,000 units which is slightly over the typical dosing of 2,000 units three times a day for 24-hour coverage - a dose every 8 hours. If you test your fibrinogen again with your current dosing and it's still high then consider changing products.

The 350 is somewhat over the ideal of less than 300...(with close to 250 being optimal...although some reports say 215 is a better target number)... so consider that sometimes fibrinogen can be stubborn to lower but it can also be the quality of the Nattokinase that is at fault. You may want to consider using the highly-reliable Cardiokinase product or Lumbrokinase which has an excellent track record as well.

Remember that the most important dose is at bedtime dose so it's in place and working during the early morning hours when levels of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1.. (PAI-1) are elevated which promote the risk of adverse clotting so you want adequate circulating amounts of Nattokinase to be present to carry you through the high risk hours.

Life Extension offers a combo product that enhances the nattokinase by adding vitamin C and the pine bark proanthocyanidins which may be useful for you if you don't make progress with the two you are using.


Re: Can one take too much nattokinase
November 07, 2013 02:42PM
Jackie, I believe in another post you said someone made a Nattokinase product that could be taken with food (but you still took yours without, just in case there might be an absorption issue.) I have searched online, but every one says to take on an empty stomach.

I have no problem taking my morning pill and night time pill without food. It's easy to wait an hour before eating in the morning and not eating 2 hours before bedtime. However, it is quite difficult to time the mid-day. (Lynn, I don't know how many hours you go without eating -- 2 before and 1 after -- taking 4 pills a day!)

I find that it's next to impossible to plan lunch with anyone, including my husband, because I take my morning pill at 5 or 6, which means the next one is at 1 or 2 and I have to not eat 2 hours before taking it.

If there is any I could take with food mid-day, I could still use the Dr's Best I take a.m. and p.m.

Re: Can one take too much nattokinase
November 07, 2013 05:47PM
Lynn - In theory... the bottlers of the better brands of NK claim that the enzyme powder itself is protected from stomach acid. There is some 'history' regarding this debate and going from memory... I believe it was said that the 'imposter' brands of NK bottlers who did not sign up for distribution under the licensing agreements to buy and bottle the 'true' protected NK, are claiming that you need to use away from meals because they are not selling the upgraded version.

As for lunch - an hour or even 45 minutes prior to eating ought to be enough time to clear the enzyme from your stomach. .

Re: Can one take too much nattokinase
November 07, 2013 05:56PM
Lynn - After I just posted my reply to you, I received an email newsletter from Frank Shallenberger, MD, on the topic of taking Nattokinase...
Since it's copy-righted, here's just a segment of the report... on the efficacy. Assuming the information is reliable, this makes taking it easier.

It's great for dissolving clots and lowering blood pressure, which also means it can prevent heart attacks and strokes. But are you taking your nattokinase the right way? A new study says many of us are not.

The researchers in this study looked at 11 healthy men and women from 21 to 65 years old. They gave each person a 100 mg capsule of nattokinase. And then they took blood samples 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, and 48 hours later. They were measuring the levels of nattokinase in the blood. And here's what they found out that can be really helpful for us.

After the participants took the capsule, the blood levels of nattokinase gradually increased until they reached a maximum at 13.3 hours. Why is this important? Because the usual instructions for taking nattokinase is to take it three times a day. But this study is showing that it doesn't reach its maximum blood level until after 12 hours.

So instead of taking it three times a day, twice a day is actually better. That's important because remembering to take anything three times a day is difficult. But popping your nattokinase first thing in the morning and then again right before bed is easy.

Frank Shallenberger, MD
REF: Ero MP, Ng CM, Mihailovski T, et al. A pilot study on the serum pharmacokinetics of nattokinase in humans following a single, oral, daily dose. Altern Ther Health Med. 2013 May-Jun;19(3):16-9.

If you would like me to forward the entire email report to you, send me a PM.

Re: Can one take too much nattokinase
November 07, 2013 07:28PM
Jackie, thank you so much. It was actually me who asked about the timing. I believe I sent you a PM for the email. (I've never done it before, so I will see.)


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/07/2013 09:19PM by Louise.
Re: Can one take too much nattokinase
November 08, 2013 11:47AM

Thanks, I will PM you. I appreciate your response. So from what you are saying there is no build up effect over time right? What is the source of the ranges you cited? I would like to share these with my integrative doc. because he was satisfied with 350.

In regards to timing, I take the Nattovita 1500u around 6 a.m. then again at bed time. Keep in mind this is the only natto I was taking when I had my blood tested. Now I have added the 2000u Jarrow product at noon and 7 p.m.

Louise- The Jarrow brand I use says to take with meals.
Re: Can one take too much nattokinase
November 10, 2013 12:45AM
According to this blogger who claims "background is in pharmacy and allopathic medicine," the dosage of nattokinase to prevent blot clots in humans has not been established [www.thecamreport.com] -- which corresponds to my reading of the literature.

Lone paroxysmal vagal atrial fibrillation. Age 62, female, no risk factors. Autonomic instability since severe Paxil withdrawal in 2004, including extreme sensitivity to neuro-active drugs, supplements, foods. Monthly tachycardia started 1/11, happened only at night, during sleep, or when waking, bouts of 5-15 hours. Changed to afib about a year ago, same pattern. Frequency increased over last 6 months, apparently with sensitivity to more triggers. Ablation 6/27/13 by Steven Hao.
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