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Ablation scheduled for Nov. 21 in Charlotte
October 18, 2013 01:17AM
After 10+ years of living with increasing episodes of afib I've finally reached the time and place (and found the EP) to do this on Nov. 21. But have recently experienced some relief from daily/every other day episodes with help from my chiropractor and digestive enzymes!
About 5 weeks ago during my monthly "maintenance" visit to Dr. B, I was in afib and mentioned it to him before his adjustment. He did some simple muscle testing and determined my diaphragm was misaligned and not holding my stomach in place. After some stomach manipulation and holding a pressure point near the diaphragm, the afib stopped and remained stopped for the rest of the day. He also suggested some digestive enzymes and a diet absolutely banning diary, citrus, citric acid and flavored waters, soda, etc. The diet also suggested avoiding wheat (whole grain preferable), red meat and processed cheese and encouraged eating prunes, plums, cranberries and apple cider vinegar. Most of the diet is not a problem being I already follow most of it normally, but cutting out wheat and diary has been a challenge. Taking the enzymes were no problem and as the week progressed the afib episodes did come back and start increasing so I saw him after a week for another adjustment. He never claimed to have a cure, just a way to lessen the pressure on the vagus nerve.
Well, started following the diet more stringently and lo and behold, went 3 1/2 weeks with only a handful of very short (10-30 second episodes) of afib (sometimes mixed with flutter, a few times just flutter). That hadn't happened in over a year! And during those 3 1/2 weeks consulted with Dr. John Holshouser at Sanger Heart and Vascular Institute in Charlotte and have decided to have the ablation done in November. I really liked Dr Holshouser; he spent 45 minutes with me, answered all my questions (many I didn't have to ask with the info he was providing), his safety record seems stellar and I have confidence in him.
Just thought someone might benefit from my experience with my chiropractor, diet and digestive enzymes. These last few weeks have been bliss (and I've had lots of work stress during this time)
Lest I think this afib is "cured" I did have an 11-hour episode yesterday, with a few short ones this afternoon. But I will take that given the previous weeks with very few.
Looking forward to finding out what comes next.
Re: Ablation scheduled for Nov. 21 in Charlotte
October 18, 2013 02:15AM
Hi Marty there is no doubt you need to do everything possible before the ablation to help ensure success.

Your comment "the diet also suggests avoiding wheat (whole wheat preferably)" doesn't add up. Either you avoid all wheat or not at all. Whole wheat is just as poisonous as wonder bread if you are gluten intolerant.

It is hard to gety our head around all of the miriad of places that wheat is hidden, but once you do if feels really good.

Anonymous User
Re: Ablation scheduled for Nov. 21 in Charlotte
October 18, 2013 08:21AM
Repeated for emphasis; "It is hard to get our head around all of the miriad of places that wheat is hidden, but once you do if feels really good."

Re: Ablation scheduled for Nov. 21 in Charlotte
October 18, 2013 10:28AM
Marty, Holshouser did my ablation, if I can support you in any way email me T7pop@aol.com I'll give you my cell and we can talk......He's great!! I am 14 months post and really done well...not perfect but a B+ at least.....an A- really


I live in Weddington
Re: Ablation scheduled for Nov. 21 in Charlotte
October 18, 2013 06:41PM
What digestive enzymes are you using?
I am using ginger capsules to calm the vagus nerve
Have you ever tried ginger?
I have been Afib free for four months now, with only five events this year.
Re: Ablation scheduled for Nov. 21 in Charlotte
October 19, 2013 12:26AM
Zypan by Standard Process (get it through chiropractor)
I must have jinxed myself by posting; in afib presently after it coming and going all afternoon. Need to schedule a heart monitor or EKG; that seems to always calm me down! Marty
Re: Ablation scheduled for Nov. 21 in Charlotte
October 20, 2013 02:03PM
Marty, I agree that anything "natural" to help afib is something I would stick to and I'm glad your chiropractor and enzymes have worked; but does diet work that fast with regard to effecting afib?

I know a change in diet is mandatory if you have GERD, IBS, are overweight, etc., etc. and would probably show pretty rapid relief for those conditions; but I thought "giving up everything!" (which it feels like to me!) is to heal damaged cells from eating processed foods, etc. for a lifetime so the cells could take in magnesium, etc.

Actually, if anyone knows, how long would it take to repair damaged cells?

Marty, I hope you continue to feel relief and wish you the best on the 21st. We'll all be pulling for you! Thank you for the information.

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