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Cardioversion by Freight Train

Posted by Randy 
Cardioversion by Freight Train
October 18, 2013 12:21AM
The first time, it got my attention. The second time I thought it seemed more than coincidence but was still only two data points. The third and consecutive time there is no question in my mind of a connection.

Three times in a row, while in afib, I've driven to my favorite Dairy Queen next to a mainline railroad. Next to the DQ is an at grade crossing. Freight trains barrel through at speed and sound their horns for the crossing. I park next to the tracks adjacent to the crossing.

On each of the three consecutive occasions the loud blaring horn of the locomotive has immediately converted me back to NSR. I can't specify the mechanism of action (autonomic shift?) but there is no question that the loud train whistle (possibly combined with the overall din and noise of the train) converted me on the spot. Afib before the train arrives, NSR immediately afterwards.

The first instance of train-induced conversion was unintentional on my part. The last two instances were intentional. When I went into afib this afternoon (coming out of a nap), I immediately drove to the tracks, quite frankly not expecting the same result; it just seemed too unlikely to recur again. But it did, much to my relief.

This unexpected form of natural cardioversion has kept the three episodes in question shorter than their counterparts (other recent episodes when not track-side): 3.75 hours, 1.5 hours, 2.5 hours versus a 5.0 hour average for episodes in recent months. Of tonight's 2.5 hour episode, almost 1.75 hours was spent waiting for a train to come.

This kind of conversion strategy may not work for all, it certainly hasn't ended the relapse I'm experiencing this year, and who knows it may not work for me a fourth time, but I'm passing on my experience in case anyone else might benefit. By the way, I'm pretty much a pure vagal afibber.
Anonymous User
Re: Cardioversion by Freight Train
October 18, 2013 02:35AM
Boy, I wish that would happen to me..Don't know if I can find a train, but I think I'll take a look see...That would be wonderful. I guess 2 years being in Afib would have something to do with it, but worth a try.......good on you, Randy......Nel
Re: Cardioversion by Freight Train
October 18, 2013 03:39PM
Nel, there could be similar situations that could work. Sensory overload might be the generic template for the train whistle...in which there is abrupt onset of a very loud, shake-you-to-the-core kind of sound (though not so high as to be damaging to hearing)...standing near the fog horn of a lighthouse, outside a fire station when the alarm sounds and fire trucks peel out with sirens blaring...etc.
Re: Cardioversion by Freight Train
October 18, 2013 05:07PM

Conversion by freight train! That's a new one. I wonder if a recording of a freight train played really loud would work? Other unorthodox conversion methods.

- Receiving a strong electrostatic shock
- Having someone surprise you by bursting a blown-up paper bag behind your back
- Plunging your head into ice-cold water

Re: Cardioversion by Freight Train
October 18, 2013 07:34PM
That is a good one Randy and no doubt safer than having your wife shoot off a shotgun behind your head when you arent looking ...especially if you forgot to wash the dishes and take out the trash that night! :-)

Anonymous User
Re: Cardioversion by Freight Train
October 24, 2013 11:50PM
I have a halloween joke, that just about scared me to death, and I mean it's scary. I jumped out of my seat...I'm afraid to play it this year (got it a year or two ago and saved it) my heart is in afib now, but I just wonder...Nel
Anonymous User
Re: Cardioversion by Freight Train
October 26, 2013 12:33AM
Well, I watched it, it didn't work, but then I've been in Afib for over 2 years..It still scared me out of my chair..It starts out tic-tac-toe...you start playing and then all h.....breaks out.....
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