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Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat

Posted by Shannon 
Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat
July 31, 2013 03:27AM
Hi Friends,

Just a quick update from Houston where my wife and I are enjoying visiting some of my family before we head up to Austin by rental car day after tomorrow on Thursday.

As posted previously here, I was originally scheduled for a Transesophageal Echocardiography test at 8:00am Monday Aug 5th in Austin followed immediately by the Lariat procedure with Dr Natale and Dr Burkhardt doing this two man procedure.

I just learned today that due to an unavoidable sudden schedule conflict for Dr Burkhardt that came up today, he will be unable to be at St David's on this coming Monday after all. As such, while the screening TEE will proceed Monday Aug 5th as previously set, the Lariat itself has been bumped to 7:30am the next day Tuesday August 6th ... The first procedure of the day, and also with Dr N and Dr B

I don't mind, in fact, this slight delay now perfectly aligns my Lariat to be exactly one year to the day after my LAA isolation ablation last August 6, 2012 which was also the first procedure of the day then, but only in San Francisco rather than Austin.

While I'm not superstitious, I'll go ahead and take the liberty to assume this serendipitous alignment as a thumbs up for a meant to be conclusion for my AFIB saga. At least the symmetry is nice in addition to the August 2008 date for the first ablation... Seems like August is my lucky heart month in any event.

Nevertheless, I wanted to let those of you who were aware of the pending Lariat know of this minor delay so you'll know why you won't hear from me next Monday for an update.

Many thanks once again for all the kind thoughts from so many of you!

Take care,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/31/2013 03:29AM by Shannon.
Re: Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat
July 31, 2013 03:54AM
HI Shannon - you have an amazingly positive attitude no matter what twists and turns you encounter! Most people would be upset at a schedule change, but you see it as even better timing. And it surely will be.

I'm sorry I have been so lax at commenting on your procedure - I haven't been on the Board a whole lot lately... When you were talking about August 5, I kept thinking that was a weeks down the road..and now it's almost here! Do you have any idea how soon we might expect to hear from you afterwards? Of course there are many on this Board - myself included - who are wishing you a smooth and successful procedure and a speedy recovery.

Very happy for you that you'll soon be REALLY done with this nonsense once and for all! Please keep us posted when you can.

Best to you ~ Barb
Re: Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat
July 31, 2013 05:31AM
Shannon, remember what you always tell us, you are in the best possible hands. I think I will have a date with the Lariat procedure probably in December. Everything looks great so for with the ablation and isolation of the LAA. If a touch up is needed I assume it will be done sometime in late September. Dr Natales' office has talked about a tee to determine if my mitral valve and LAA can work together as to not cause a blood clot. I guess I will not know all the detals until later. I'm not sure when the Lariat would be done if a touchup is not needed. The best thing that happened at Queens is that they did not use a mechanical mitral valve. Heads up my friend you are nearing that finish line.

Tom in Hawaii

PS: Flossie was a real dud on Oahu.
Re: Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat
July 31, 2013 01:24PM
Thanks Barb and Tom,

And Barb, I will try to get word to Hans or Jackie the same day of the Lariat next Tuesday via my wife or brother who will both be there at St David's if I am unable to access my Iphone or Ipad that first day and night since Ill have to spend that one in cardiac ICU where such electronic gizmos may not be allowed. I should be able to write something by the following day Wednesday once Im sent to a regular room for the last few days.

Will get out of the hospital now, if all goes smoothly on either Friday at the earliest of Saturday more likely. We are still scheduled to leave Austin and fly back to Arizona on Sunday the 11th, but Im considering pushing that departure back a day or two just to hang in the vacinity where Dr N and Dr Ab are for an extra day to make sure all is stable before jetting off to the wild blue yonder.

And Hawaii Tom, that's great in your situation you got a non mechanical valve so that you can possibility either get off Blood thinners as well and possibility get the Lariat too even if you have to go to Plan B after your TEE results come in. I figured they would have put a mechanical valve in and you'd be stuck on blood thinners then, regardless.

I thought of you too Tom yesterday once I realize the little delay would line up as a true anniversary procedure for the LAA isolation last August 6th in that I recalled your recent first procedure with Dr N was on June 28th also the same date two years later from your very different and unfortunate experience with the ablation in Hawaii.

Maybe there is something with us Hawaii guys where the planets align to get our AFIB related work done on the same anniversary date as he previous one ? smiling smiley

Take care Shannon
Re: Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat
July 31, 2013 07:03PM
Shannon, Burkhardt's complex VT patient population tend to be in much dire shape compared to AF patients so I am guessing that the patient that bumped you is at much HIGHER risk. Best wishes for a procedure well done. You are in good hands. The fact that Dr. N wants B there and not go it alone speaks volumes about B's skill level.
Re: Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat
July 31, 2013 08:13PM
Best of luck to you, Shannon.
Re: Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat
August 01, 2013 12:08AM
Thanks Chukker!

And you too researcher and you make a good point.. You might well be right on the reason for Dr Burkhardt's delay. Apparently, he won't even be at St David's on Monday having to travel to a different facility for a procedure that suddenly has come up as a prime priority.

Dr Natale can do the full Lariat himself , as can Dr Burkhardt, but they prefer to tag team it. Gives a little more flexibility if one or the other has an ablation that is taking a little too long then the other can get started in the first portion of the Lariat with the other EP comes in to finish the epicardial portion after wrapping up his ablation.

In any event, I prefer going first in the morning as it is. Less time to starve after fasting over night and less chance for a more significant delay in an earlier ablation to possibly push things back even further. I like to wake up, get to the Med Center and go right back to sleep again ASAP taking that gentle Propofol slide into dreamland while they do their thing.

Thanks again for the best wishes guys!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/01/2013 12:15AM by Shannon.
Re: Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat
August 01, 2013 02:08PM
Shannon, You are in our thoughts and prayers. Dennis
Re: Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat
August 01, 2013 02:51PM
Your in the the most talented of hands as you always reassured me during my journey to Natale.

Best to you my Friend,

Re: Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat
August 01, 2013 07:10PM
Best wishes to you, Shannon.

Lone paroxysmal vagal atrial fibrillation. Age 62, female, no risk factors. Autonomic instability since severe Paxil withdrawal in 2004, including extreme sensitivity to neuro-active drugs, supplements, foods. Monthly tachycardia started 1/11, happened only at night, during sleep, or when waking, bouts of 5-15 hours. Changed to afib about a year ago, same pattern. Frequency increased over last 6 months, apparently with sensitivity to more triggers. Ablation 6/27/13 by Steven Hao.
Re: Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat
August 01, 2013 07:55PM
Good luck Shannon !
Re: Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat
August 02, 2013 12:45AM
Wishing you the best Shannon.

Re: Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat
August 03, 2013 02:06AM

Best wishes, you are in good hands. We look forward to your update.

Bruce S
Re: Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat
August 03, 2013 04:29AM
Shannon - thinking of you and sending wishes for a successful, speedy, and smooth procedure on Tuesdaysmiling smiley We will be eagerly waiting to hear your good news soon afterwards!

Best to you ~ Barb
August 03, 2013 01:53PM
Shannon, many thanks for the time and effort devoted to helping others. Look forward to a good report. You are in my prayers. Lynda
Re: Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat
August 04, 2013 11:50PM
Hi Folks,

The count down is about over and ready to get started first thing in the morning with the TEE, then one last little wait until 7:30 Tuesday for the second round if anesthesia and the Lariat at long last. And I so appreciate all the nice words of support

Had a very nice meeting with Dr Burkhardt on Friday who is a thoroughly knowledgable and competent EP as you would expect too from all his time as a key member of Natale's group here.

He too sees me as an ideal candidate for the Lariat and said they are successful in actually installing the Lariat in around 88% to 90% of the patients they try it with. The other roughly 10% wind up having just too sticky of a pericardial fluid filling the narrow space between the inside of the pericardial sack and outside of he heart tissue itself. When the fluid gets so sticky or adhesive it can become impossible to maneuver the Larist catheter and suture all the way over the LAA to be able to tighten it fully at the very mouth.

Things that might predispose to too much adhesions in the pericardial space can be past bouts of chronic pericarditis or possibly long standing viral infections of some sort might do it. Fortunately, roughly 90% odds give or take a point or two is pretty good in my book and I've just got my fingers crossed Im in the lucky 88 to 90% group on this one...

If not, there are a few options including going to the Watchman ala What Cindy O, is considering, the Atri-Clip which is a surgical version similar in concept to the Lariat and a straightforward surgical removal of the LAA as well, though that is a bit more invasive to be sure. Lets put all of our chips in on the Lariat coming up snake eyes on Tuesday!

Many thanks once again to all of you for you very kind best wishes.

Take care, Shannon
Re: Slight change of plans with upcoming Lariat
August 05, 2013 03:35AM
Good luck tomorrow and Tuesday, Shannon! We are fully expecting you to be in that top 88-90% as it would only be fair - you of all people, deserve to be! You have given so much of yourself for so many of us on this Board. It is your turn to be able to put all of this behind you and live worry free and in NSR always.

I'm sure I won't be alone in checking back here to see how it all went.

Best to yousmiling smiley ~ Barb
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