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Long-Term Outcome After Successful Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation

Posted by Chukker 
Long-Term Outcome After Successful Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation
April 07, 2013 11:54AM
Re: Long-Term Outcome After Successful Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation
April 07, 2013 01:04PM
That's a cohort from long ago in EP terms

>Consecutive patients with paroxysmal or persistent AF who underwent PVI at the University of Pennsylvania from 2000 to >2003
Re: Long-Term Outcome After Successful Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation
April 07, 2013 07:15PM
Here is the afibbers.com abstract of that article [www.afibbers.com]. Note the excellent correlation with the long-term results reported in our 2009 Ablation/Maze survey [afibbers.org].

Re: Long-Term Outcome After Successful Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation
April 07, 2013 10:57PM
Hello Hans (and others)

I am hoping you can explain the difference between vagal and adrenergic AF. From reading your last newsletter, and other research you have mentioned, it seems there is a huge difference in how they should be approached. Yoga, Thyroid medication, Acetylcholine may have bad results for one tyype and good for the other.

Can you give an explanation for a non-medical-graduate? We live in Australia and these are terms our doctors have not used much, if at all, in consultations.

Hans, thank you so much for your work to keep us informed about developments in treatment for AF and the dangers of some medications. There will always be dangers and failures as long as Pharma tests its own products for safety and effectiveness. Research is so carefully screened, omitting negative findings. As Ben Goldacre says, if you toss a coin and discard all the tails results, you can prove you have a double-headed coin. And you have evidence to prove it. I hope the Aldosterone results in the last newsletter do not come into this category.

Re: Long-Term Outcome After Successful Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation
April 07, 2013 11:04PM

You might want to read this: <[www.afibbers.org];

First we are talking about triggers. Once you're in afib, afib is afib, basically.

With an adrinergic trigger, increasing the heart rate, like with exertion or exercise can trigger afib. With a vagal trigger, it is the "slow" time when afib occurs. This can be after eating, while resting or whilst sleeping. Many long term endurance athletes who get afib are vagal afibbers with low resting heart rates.

A mixed afibber can get it either way.

Hope this helps.

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