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Testing pH of my WW
February 17, 2013 02:26AM
Yesterday, my husband and I decided to test the pH of our water using pHydrion papers. Our filtered tape water that contains all the natural minerals tested at 5.0. Then we tested the concentrated Waller Water and it was 7.0. Next we tested the diluted (drinkable) Waller Water and it was about 6.2. I was surprised that the concentrated WW was only 7.0. We made it following Erling's recipe using selzer water and MOM. I thought that the drinkable WW was supposed to have a higher pH that this and am wondering if anyone else has tested your drinkable WW? Perhaps our tape water is more acidic and not giving us better results, or maybe our test papers aren't accurate.

Any suggestions for a better brand of urine pH test papers?

Thanks much,
Nancy M.
Re: Testing pH of my WW
February 17, 2013 03:34PM
Nancy - explain what 'your filter tape water' means. What type of filter are you using for your water...whole house?
Re: Testing pH of my WW
February 18, 2013 04:47PM
Nancy - Ten years ago, as Erling finalized his WW formulation, he had the WW tested by a Colorado lab and reported his findings and other observations at that time..... Read through this post from 2002 carefully. [www.afibbers.org]

WW analysis:
Magnesium 125 mg/L (calculated) [from the amount in the MoM]
Bicarbonate 751 mg/L (Evergreen Analytical Labs, Wheatridge, Colorado, Dec 5, '02)
pH 8.63 (Evergreen Analytical Labs, Dec 5, '02)

In that post, Erling notes that WW is equivalent to the naturally-occurring Adobe Springs water in California: [www.mgwater.com]
(Noah’s Caifornia Spring Water is bottled Adobe Springs water) [www.noahs7up.com]
Magnesium 110 mg/l
Bicarbonate 529 mg/l
pH 8.7

II'm thinking that either the tap water you use as a diluent is highly acidic or that your pH test strips may not be accurate (or both).

Hydrion dip sticks pH 5.0 - 9.0 may be purchased from Capitol Scientific for $12.31 + tax +S & H:

Re: Testing pH of my WW
February 18, 2013 08:20PM
Thanks, Jackie for the info. on WW testing. Have you tried testing your WW with pH strips?

Our water here is well water that the Water District then chlorinizes, etc. We then filter it through a Berkey light purifier (not whole house) that is a gravity fed system. It is supposed to take out bacteria, cysts, parasites, herbicides, pesticides, VOCs, SOCs, chlorine, nitrates, lead, mercury, etc., and leave in healthful minerals.

We put the water in a glass cup, then used a plastic clothes pin to pull the test strip off the roll so as not to contaminate it with our hands, and then dipped it in the water and immediately read it. We had to look at it quickly because as we took the strip out of the water and it hit the air, it kept changing toward a more alkaline pH as the seconds passed. It was hard to get it up next to the color coded card to match the color before it started changing. Not sure why the test strip can't just be made to stay the color it should be and not change like that. Maybe I need better test strips as you said. I'll look into the brand you mentioned.

Nancy M.
Re: Testing pH of my WW
February 18, 2013 08:54PM

"concentrated Waller Water and it was 7.0"

I've used various range pH Hydrion paper to test concentrated WW and it always tested at the 8+ end of the scale, I've not done it often or in a long time, but my memory is that the paper turned very dark blue. Also this paper doesn't seem to change much once it has a color.

Re: Testing pH of my WW
February 18, 2013 09:26PM
Nancy - my pH strips are old and probably not as accurate as they should be... but they turn very dark blue quickly.
Re: Testing pH of my WW
February 19, 2013 04:54AM
This piqued my interest and retested a WW concentrate solution I have in the fridge. It tested a pH of 7.4. Mag chloride water tested 6.4 as does the tap water I used to make this solution. Ground up Mag Glycinate (KAL brand) pills in tap water tested 9+.

The WW solution is 4-6 weeks old, as I've been traveling quite a bit. I can't think of a reason why the solution pH would change over time.
Re: Testing pH of my WW
February 19, 2013 05:01AM
I have a hot tub, and I have a whole bunch of ph strips. Ph is Ph, correct? If so, darn cheap.

Or am I missing something? And if so, why?


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Re: Testing pH of my WW
February 19, 2013 02:49PM

You are correct, pH is ph.

Re: Testing pH of my WW
February 19, 2013 08:23PM
My Hydrion ph paper is on a roll and goes from 4.5 to 7.5. It seems that we are using the same brand though Jackie and George's have a different range. I will order some new paper and then retest.

Nancy M.
Re: Testing pH of my WW
February 21, 2013 12:17AM
Nancy - the thing to remember is the pH paper is reactive to the chemical introduced and it may take a few seconds to develop the final color which then equates to the pH. I think the individual strips offer a distinct advantage. I may be remiss, but I'm not overly concerned after making the WW all these years. I know it works and really don't bother that often. Enjoy your alkalility... thanks to Erling!

Re: Testing pH of my WW
February 22, 2013 12:14AM

I started to place my order for the pH papers with Capital Scientific but shipping was going to be $13.50 and my total price $26.00, which seems high, so will look elsewhere for pH papers. Thanks for your help on this.

Re: Testing pH of my WW
February 22, 2013 04:16PM
Nancy - that's ridiculous for shipping. I Googled and found many options... [www.coleparmer.com]

The individual strips make sense to avoid the handling issue.

Let us know what you find.

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