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Any thoughts on potassium/magnesium-saving bloat tools?
February 08, 2013 04:27AM
Along with my current bronchitis I have added on water weight/bloat. Edema in legs/feet. My doc wanted to put me on a water pill, but I had that decades ago for HB pressure issue, and that's what triggered afib in the first place. So as I told her, I am NOT going back there again.

Have been drinking plenty of water, but wondered if others had run into this - and our special need to hold onto potassium and magnesium.

Re: Any thoughts on potassium/magnesium-saving bloat tools?
February 08, 2013 05:49AM
Nancy, I'm sorry you are feeling so bad.

What sort of diuretic were the docs wanting to prescribe? Some are notorious for flushing needed electrolytes, and some are known to keep them in your body.

They aren't all the same. Some are even known to help, AF-wise.

For example, Aldactone (spironolactone) is a potassium-sparing diuretic.


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/08/2013 05:52AM by lisa s.
Re: Any thoughts on potassium/magnesium-saving bloat tools?
February 08, 2013 03:34PM
Lisa, I asked. She only offered up one that would drain potassium. So I stayed away.

Re: Any thoughts on potassium/magnesium-saving bloat tools?
February 08, 2013 03:47PM
Nancy, are you in a position to see another doctor? If so, that would be my next move, if it was me.

Is your edema merely uncomfortable, or because of the bronchitis, something you really need to attend to so that it doesn't turn into something more serious?

Hopefully, someone here who knows more than me, will chime in with some good advice if you can't get an appropriate diuretic prescribed. Beyond the obvious, that is, such as limit your sodium intake, don't restrict your water intake, and keep up the electrolytes.

Keep us posted,


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Re: Any thoughts on potassium/magnesium-saving bloat tools?
February 08, 2013 06:02PM

For more on potassium and potassium-sparing diuretics please see my article "The Importance of Potassium" [www.afibbers.org]. Also, pycnogenol is quite effective in dealing with edemas.

Anonymous User
Re: Any thoughts on potassium/magnesium-saving bloat tools?
February 13, 2013 03:58PM
Hi -

I take a daily dose of Spironolactone, which is a potassium-sparing diuretic. I don't need a diuretic for any reason, by my doctor has me on this drug simply to help retail potassium, as I am hypokalemic (have low potassium). It works very well. Instead of draining your potassium (like Lasix does) it actually helps you retain it.

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