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Replying to a thread--Hans
February 06, 2013 06:08PM
For a brief time, when I or someone else replied to a thread, the topic would go to the top of the screen so that others could tell that the topic was still being discussed. For the last couple days, that hasn't been happening. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks, Hans, for your help on this.

Nancy M.
Re: Replying to a thread--Hans
February 06, 2013 06:30PM

No, you are not doing anything wrong. I am experimenting on this. Continuing to bring popular posts to the top has the effect of shortchanging new posts, many of which don't get a single reply before they slide off the first page - in effect being ignored because all the discussion takes place within a few popular threads. If you are interested in the latest posts you can always use the RSS function which will display the 30 most recent posts in the order received.

Re: Replying to a thread--Hans
February 06, 2013 06:57PM
What is the RSS function? How do I use it?

Perhaps you could survey the BB users to see if they would like to keep bringing posts to the top. I certainly liked it. If a topic is continuing to get discussion, and people are continuing to reply, then if it slides off the page, others don't know that more info. has been added to the topic. All the BBs I have been on bring the topic back to the top.

Thanks, Hans.

Nancy M.
Re: Replying to a thread--Hans
February 06, 2013 07:17PM

You click on RSS at the top of the forum page that lists all the threads. It is just above the green box that starts with Subject.

Anonymous User
Re: Replying to a thread--Hans
February 08, 2013 10:58AM
Hans, i found the green box saying Subject, but no RSS appeared above it, nor could i find it elsewhere on the page.

Peggy M
Re: Replying to a thread--Hans
February 08, 2013 06:09PM
Hello Peggy,

On the first page you arrive at when you enter the Bulletin Board (the one that lists the subject headings of the individual threads) there is a long, green box that says "Subject" - followed horizontally by "Views", "Posts", "Last Post". Directly above that green box there are four links "Forum List", "New Topic", "Mark Forum Read, and "RSS".

I have checked this on several computers and they all show the RSS link.

Anonymous User
Re: Replying to a thread--Hans
February 09, 2013 09:32AM
I must not be looking at the right page. Is it the one that appears when you click on LAF Forum IX? Or do i have to log out and then come in again?
Re: Replying to a thread--Hans
February 09, 2013 06:15PM

Here is the page you need to go to [www.afibbers.org].

Re: Replying to a thread--Hans
February 11, 2013 04:18AM
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I prefer it when a thread that gets a new post goes to the top.

It saves having to start a new thread to carry on a discussion that has a fair amount of interest when it has fallen off the first page. I used to regularly look on the first few pages, but I honestly don't have the time to do that, so I don't, anymore.

When searching for something, it also limits the number of threads to weed through.



So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
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