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flecainide and weight gain
November 12, 2012 04:42PM
I have been taking 50mg flecainide twice daily for one week and have put on weight. 1.5kg
Is this to be expected? I feel bloated all the time. I also have constipation. I am taking something for that.
Will my body adjust after a while?
Has anyone else experienced this?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/12/2012 06:00PM by colindo.
Re: flecainide and weight gain
November 12, 2012 05:40PM
I have been taking the same dose as you for nearly 7 weeks. I have actually lost 1.5lbs over that time.

I have serious digestive problems that pre-date my taking Flec. and that probably contribute to my AF episodes. These problems included bad bloating, until I followed Jackie's good advice to drink dilute cider vinegar with meals. This has made a huge improvement. I find that Flec on an empty stomach sometimes causes heartburn, especially at night. I make very sure not to be constipated, by eating lots of naturally fibrous food and also psyllium husk added to my morning porridge. I also find glycerol suppositories a godsend. Apart from the heartburn, to which I am susceptible anyway, I wouldn't know I am taking Flec, which is a relief considering the long lilt of unpleasant possible side effects. IMO it is possible that what you are experiencing is coincidental. I hope you feel better soon.
Re: flecainide and weight gain
November 12, 2012 11:44PM
If you are badly constipated, 1.5kg could easily be the weight of the stools in your lower bowel.

If you have actually put on fat weight, could it be that you are comfort eating? Worrying about being on a new drug can make you do this.

Re: flecainide and weight gain
November 13, 2012 03:43AM
Might I suggest taking Magnesium to bowel tolerance? It solves many problems in one whack.


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Re: flecainide and weight gain
November 13, 2012 02:41PM
Been on flec for six years. No weight gain or loss.

Re: flecainide and weight gain
November 13, 2012 03:16PM
Thanks everyone for you're replies, I think Mark m is right, I am badly constipate.
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