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Vagal Afib?
November 04, 2012 06:01PM
I consistently get episodes of skipping and low blood pressure within 2 hours of eating breakfast ( don't drink coffee or tea with breakfast by the way) After much research, I interpret this as a vagus nerve reflex causing my irregular heartbeat. I am 6 weeks post ablation and taking no meds except blood thinners. This is the same pattern I experienced before ablation! The air sucked -out -of - lungs sensation goes on for at least half an hour and feels too much like my pre-ablation pattern for comfort. One cardiologist told me that vagal nerve related afib is the hardest type to treat. Any thoughts?
Re: Vagal Afib?
November 04, 2012 10:05PM
Are you on any meds at this point?


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Re: Vagal Afib?
November 05, 2012 04:04AM
I've read medical journal articles saying that afib caused by endurance exercise has been shown to be just as treatable with ablation as other forms of afib, as long as it's paroxysmal.
Re: Vagal Afib?
November 05, 2012 01:30PM
justfibbing.... do you eat the same breakfast every day?
Have you assessed what's in the meal that might be causing:
1) a food-sensitivity reaction (ie, gluten or dairy) - which could irritate the vagus
2) sugar and/or a high carb content that produces a hypoglycemic effect an hour or two after eating?
3) checking the sodium content of that meal?

When you feel that low oxygen state, what is your heart rate?

Re: Vagal Afib?
November 05, 2012 01:52PM
Out of the box idea - keto adapt yourself. Then you can easily fast and/or skip meals and avoid the problem altogether.

If you are unfamiliar with the concept, Google keto adaptation. Here are a couple of links to get you started:



Re: Vagal Afib?
November 08, 2012 11:39PM
No, I vary my breakfast, alternating eggs and protein shakes, eat no refined carbs and consume only natural sugars in small amounts of juice and fresh berries. I have always had a supersensitive vagal nerve and think that the ablation '"stirred things up" Half way through the 3 month recovery, I have a lot of discomfort in the right side of my chest as if I've been running in frigid temperatures...
Re: Vagal Afib?
November 09, 2012 02:07PM
Reasonable to assume that you still have vagal irritation... but food sensitivities can perpetuate that.

What's the protein source in the shakes? Is this a powdered formulation? Derived from what? Soy? Milk? Rice protein?
Still could be a food sensitivity reaction or a free glutamate response from a denatured milk protein.
Eggs, dairy, soy and gluten/wheat are at the top of the suspect food sensitivity list ..which can cause heart reactions an hour or two or sooner after consuming.

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