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potassium sparing meds?
October 10, 2012 06:49PM
New here, but enjoying this site and community tremendously!

On page 3 of Jackie Burgess' "The Strategy..." paper, in the Caveat/Caution paragraph, he says "If they are using medications that are potassium sparing, then supplementation must proceed under medical supervision."

My question: What meds are potassium sparing?

I am taking Multaq & Metoprolol for my arrhythmias and Crestor & Niaspan for cholestorol issues.

Thanks in advance!
Re: potassium sparing meds?
October 11, 2012 11:40PM

You can find the answer to your questions in my report The Importance of Potassium [www.afibbers.org]

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