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Bad Med side effects
July 05, 2012 10:57AM
Has anyone had bad side effects taking Multaq and Propafenone. Incredible tightness down the middle of the chest and back and difficulty breathing. Like a vise. Any way to treat this and once medication is stopped how long does it take until one is back to normal? Prior to these drugs I took Sotolol, Metropolol and Flecanine with absolutely horrendous side effects. I think I've run the entire periodic table!!! Just don't react well to these drugs
Randy W
Re: Bad Med side effects
July 05, 2012 09:53PM
Hi Allen,
I have been taking a combination of Multaq and Metoprolol; for about 11 months now. I experience side effects but not as severe as you have. I do experience tightness in my chest, especially when exercising (i.e. long bike rides) and I get winded when exerting myself; hill climbs on my bike or even going up a long flight of stairs. Long bike rides, 40-50 miles does not bother me much, only when I go uphile. It concerns me a bit because Multaq is a derivitave, or somehow related, to Amioderone. Amioderone can cause severe respiratory problems. Multaq is suppose to be a lot less problematic, but I am wondering if the shortness of breath and chest pain could be the same symptoms experienced from Amioderone - perhaps less severe. Anyway, I have not complained about it too much because it's not bad and my EP will probably take me off both meds. I had my 3rd ablation, April 9 to "clean-up" some residual arrhythmia following a mini-maze surgery. That seemed to do the trick, I have had no noticable arrhythmia since and I just had a 24 hour monitor. I am waiting for the EP to review it and if there is nothing there I will go off the Multaq and Metoprolol. I am sorry to hear you are having problems with all the meds, I went through all of them. Except for Amioderone, I did not have any severe side effects, they just did not help with the a-fib that much. Take care Allen, and I hope you find some relief without the nasty side effects, I find that this forum provides a wealth of information.
Randy W
Re: Bad Med side effects
July 05, 2012 10:21PM

Why are you taking two AADs concurrently? I don't ever recall anyone posting here mention using more than one at a time.

Anybody, is this common?


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
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