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Magnesium Oil
June 21, 2012 04:22PM
Could i ask the forum how many of you use Magnesium Oil and what are the pros and cons of Transdermal Magnesium? Does it transfer into the system more effectively than oral magnesium and is it useful for keeping your levels of magnesium up?

Re: Magnesium Oil
June 21, 2012 05:57PM

I have used it, but not frequently. I've always taken oral mag in addition to whatever I used transdermally. I do make up a more dilute solution of MgCl2 (mag oil is much more concentrated MgCl2 solution) and take that orally. That solution is about 3.4 grams Mg/liter. As I take many forms of mag (totaling over 3 gr Mg/day), I vary the amount of the MgCl2 solution to keep my intake around bowel tolerance.

I have no problems with transdermal, it is effective, but more hassle than oral intake.

I have made it up (mag oil) and put it on my feet on long backpacks. It does a very nice job of relaxing and taking away the tiredness in this situation.

Re: Magnesium Oil
June 23, 2012 02:23PM
I use it very frequently. There have been times I have used it every day. I use it via a foot bath. I put in a 1/4 cup in a dish pan half full of very warm water. I usually do this for at least a half hour...

This is a good way to "catch up" on magnesium deficiency.

Has definitely helped me with PAC's, etc.
Re: Magnesium Oil
June 23, 2012 11:23PM
I've never used magnesium oil, but I use Dead Sea Salts, which contains plenty of mag chloride, in my hot tub. In all but the hottest months, I use it approx. 5 times a week.

As far as I'm concerned, any, and pretty much all ways you can get magnesium into yourself is a good thing.


So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Re: Magnesium Oil
June 24, 2012 03:34AM

I'm glad you posted. I tried to search for an older post of yours talking about the salts in the hot tub, but was not successful.

I agree with "As far as I'm concerned, any, and pretty much all ways you can get magnesium into yourself is a good thing."

Re: Magnesium Oil
June 24, 2012 01:59PM
Hi, George

I was actually very surprised that no one else has ever mentioned using them. I can't be the only hot tub owner who posts here. Using the salts does make keeping the water in range with less chemical interference a lot easier, so for me, it's a win-win situation. smiling smiley

Oh, and here is the link:



So much of medicine is looking solely down the wrong end of the gun barrel, and that is really a pity for all of us---Shannon
Re: Magnesium Oil
June 24, 2012 03:02PM
Paul - I use the topically on sore muscles. It's quick and effective. As George mentions, though, it's a hassle as the gel feels sticky so there is time involved waiting and then showering or washing off.

I also agree with George that whatever method works that is tolerable for optimizing magnesium "for you" is worth doing. George is the poster boy for using a variety of delivery forms that work for him.

Soaking your whole body or just feet in Epsom Salts (magnesium sulfate) is another effective delivery method.

Re: Magnesium Oil
June 24, 2012 05:48PM
Thanks all for the replies.

The reason i have started using the oil is that i have had problems recently with my gut and digestion. This was probably brought on by 3 months worth of 0.75mg per day of Aspirin which is what is prescribed here in the UK after an initial AF episode so i am told.

Once i clear up the gut issue which may be h pylori i hope to go back to an oral supplement but will also continue with the oil as an additional Magnesium intake.

Re: Magnesium Oil
June 26, 2012 01:09AM
Anyone care to suggest a commercially available Mg oil?

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
Gay McWhinnie
Re: Magnesium Oil
June 26, 2012 07:59AM
I buy magnesium chloride from Neem Genie Ltd. in the UK.
It is packed in 400gm packs which I dissolve in warm water and
put in a foot spa. I have a lovely, comforting, bubbly foot bath
for half an hour every few days.
I am sure it helps prevent PACs which were driving me mad.
I get the mag. delivered to France, but don't know about elsewhere.


G. McW
Re: Magnesium Oil
June 26, 2012 04:41PM
The Mag Oil that i use hear in Britain comes from


Re: Magnesium Oil
June 30, 2012 11:00PM

I use Mitoku Nigari, very inexpensive compared to commercial "mag oil." My supplier is out of it till Aug 14, see: [www.naturalimport.com]

Several years ago I had a sample of this tested for heavy metals and it came back very clean. The results are posted in the archives <[www.afibbers.org]; (with awful formatting for the "micro gram" symbol).

I take the crystals and add just enough water to make a super saturated solution - which is what mag oil is. A super saturated solution of mag chloride.

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